“Kitsa” being a character from Magic The Gathering, which I’ve never actually played. Once upon a time I would have burned in shame for admitting that, but as an aging blokie, I fear my face-to-face gaming days belong solidly to the past. (not that there isn’t real regret and longing for those days, mind you)
So this is a quick & dirty test post for now, as I’ve recently been having a devil of a time getting lead images to host & display correctly. The problems seem to go back to our instance updating to the latest 0.19.7 version of the Lemmy software around 3-4 weeks ago. On the positive tip, at least the Imgur issue seems to be logged in GitHub as a bug, hopefully to be fixed so that most of our post thumbnails will start showing up again when browsing at the community level. *gulp*
But yeah, it’s been pretty dang frustrating over here, especially given my recent gloomy mood in the wake of the recent election, also a time in which I need to haul arse in order to get my affairs in order, and 'nuff sed on that.
Anyway! …assuming this time the image works, Petersen is one of my honorary LC artists, one whose stuff is gorgeous to look at, and who for me, renders his animal characters remarkably faithfully, and not just as ‘anthro-furries.’ Here’s another sample for now:
Ah, I’ve done one other post about his stuff, highlighting his wonderful Black Axe series.