This isn’t even humor at this point. I’m legitimately starting to think The Onion is in the midst of transitional changes to becoming a legitimate news outlet that just reports news.
Like this one doesn’t even seem absurd or funny. It just seems like the logical reaction people will have. This just comes off as a legit news report on an aburd situation. Rather than an absurd mocking news report on a realistically fake situatuation.
The joke here is a little more subtle. It’s that this particular Maccas was already 1 star, so these reviews aren’t actually hurting it. The reviews are just changing the reason given for being 1 star.
This isn’t even the onion if you look at the link
and from the description of this community
A place to share and discuss stories from The Onion, Clickhole, and other satire.
Welp. Now I feel a fool!
deleted by creator
I truly hope that rat is shunned and shamed everywhere they go.
On NPR… “The real hero…” Fuck you McDonald’s asshole! Let us known when you realize how stupid your decision was.
I heard it was some boomer customer that ratted him out
That tracks.
It fits my bias so I believe it
I would seriously never speak to someone again if I learned they were on a jury that convicted Luigi.
This is an orgy of evidence, and feels like an arrest stemming from some illegal surveillance or intel means, a pretend phone call, and planted evidence.
It feels so much like when the allies would crack japanese codes and send a patrol plane to find a target, and make an excuse to go for the kill.
“Food was so bad, I thought I was eating the rotten flesh of an overweight CEO. 0/5 stars”
Maybe they’ll use the 50k to escape Altoona and move to a country with better health care.
This make me chuckle LOL.
Honestly, if Luigi gets convicted by a jury of his own peers, it will just further prove that the ultra wicked never get their come uppance while the working class always do. That is some bullshit. Also, fuck that mcdonalds employee.
Brian Thompson got his. You just can’t rely on the system to deliver their comeuppance.
If only!
The constant search for who to demonize is the never-ending mission of social justice keyboard warriors.
To seek out new perps and new complicit ones.
To boldly blame those no one has blamed before.