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We Didn’t Start the Fire
No, i didn’t start the fire either.
American Pie
Bye, bye…try again
once again, no, nein, nyet, non, aniyo, iie, hindi, nao, laa, nahin, bu…
Is it Thriller though? 😂
I just thought it’d be funny considering his reaction to the last time I guessed Thriller lol
Was it Thriller though?
I think it’s Thriller
Stairway to heaven?
I’m bad at these
Stairway To Heaven was the one with the golden staircase. nice try though.
This was also my guess. :(
Genre is hard rock
Houses Of The Holy by Led Zeppelin.
House of the rising sun?
REM End of the World As We Know It (and I feel fine)
Imagine by John Lennon