as someone learning Chinese, this is top-tier meme
Oracle Bone, Bronze, Seal, Traditional and Simplified Hanzi are all Chinese. Only Kanji is Japanese and only by proxy, so this meme is like 70% Chinese and 30% Japanese. You would know that if you learned Japanese.
If you don’t get it, this is a reference to the webcomic, Loss.
I know today’s 10,000 and all that, but if there are people who made it to lemmy without running across loss I’d love to understand how
I’d never seen this or heard of it till today. And today I’m not sure I understand
Weird, are you not at least partially a terminally online nerd like the rest of us? I never actually read the comic but it seems like it’s impossible to have been on reddit and such for so long without ever running across it.
I thought I was. I’ve been cutting back on it the last couple of years, but still
It was over 15 years ago now. Younger users may have seen references and not know what it is.
I still don’t get it, been on the internet since 98… Can someone you please explain it to this dumbass.
There was this popular web comic about video games and geeky shit, and it was mostly funny. Then one day they made this one comic strip about miscarriage called “Loss”. It became a meme because most people found it super pretentious for a funny little webcomic to suddenly do this kinda heavy drama with no dialogue like it’s some arthouse film.
Maybe click on the link they provided ?
I did, and I still don’t get it
I only understood this meme very recently.
I am at a loss on what to say.
The problem with loss is the impact of it is …ahem… lost without the context of what an enormous douchebag Tim Buckley was online at that time. Like part of what makes loss so ridiculous is the audacious sanctimonious nature of the comic coming from the internet’s least-likable egotist and troll. You can read as many KYM wikis as you want, but if you weren’t around to witness what a fucking shitbag Buckley was during that time then you can’t really feel the way loss hit when it hit.
Now i have to watch Hbomb again
Also, B^U
I didn’t have this context. I always thought it was really heartless how people turned it into a meme. Honestly, it still isn’t funny to me. Guess you had to be there.
I’ve always saw loss as a stupid internet circlejerk but damn do you people get creative with it.
It was such a dumb comic storyline though.
Line why did he think his "funny"weekly comic about video games suddenly needed a serious storyline?
Something bad affected him personally so naturally the whole world had to know.
He talked about it like she was totally crazy for being emotional about it and he played it off as “whatever, it happens”. The whole thing was very odd.
It became “Cope”.
Needs more language variants. Korean? Vietnamese?
This is fantastic! You should repost this into !