Oh no, Meta is shutting down official support for an old system?
But that doesn’t give security updates.
That’s what happens with old devices and dealing with it is part of the cost of using them
Bro the quest is only 5 years old. And stop excusing shitty practices just because they are the normal.
Lol, the famously great reading comprehension of the Internet.
I didn’t excuse shit
5 years of updates is a pretty normal timeline for mobile devices
- I’m not excusing shit
- Here is an excuse.
Pointing out that you’re whining about something thats irrelevant isn’t excsing shit, but reading comprehension is hard for you I guess.
The initial point was that the dick move was blocking developers who wanted to and were able from sending content hosted on metas server to Quest 1 headsets. I responded with a sarcastic comment giving people a way to get around that dickheaded move by sideloading
It is not related in any way to not giving security updates anymore. That’s normal EOL shit for devices and software. If you don’t like that or don’t like how long meta offered support that’s a you issue and I did not comment on it other than pointing out that 5 years is normal update life on devices like that after you already changed the subject
something thats irrelevant
its perfectly relevant to the conversation.
Get out of this reddit mentality you have where every interaction you have with another person on the internet is an argument you’re trying to “win”.
I hate this so much. Why should they be able to do this?
One thing is stopping customer support and internal software/OS development. But why should they BLOCK compatibility for third party developers?
I guess because fuck you, they got their money 🤷 It really should be illegal.
Tech company, they love E-Waste. Your thing can still play fine? Fuck you, buy our new shit that have all those advanced privacy invasive tracker loaded into it, and let us snoop around so we can share your info with other tech company.
I still can’t fathom people are somehow okay with buying a device that is, by design and function, festooned with cameras and microphones from goddamn Facebook and waving it around inside their homes. Like, what?
I bought Oculus Quest 1. OCULUS! Facebook promised to leave them alone, for them to remain oculus, But after a year or so, merging started, firstly with oculus accounts vanishing into fb, then renaming to Meta Quest and now the only thing that remain is logo.
What exactly is a promise from Facebook worth? You saw what happened to Palmer Luckey (although he is wiping those tears with crisp hundred dollar bills).
Nothing, since they’ve already lied about the ongoing account integration requirements for their various VR products, like, three (?) major times so far. I don’t trust a damn thing they say about anything.
If Meta told me the sky was blue I’d be searching for independent verification.
Vr is very price prohibitive and Oculus/Facebook sell headsets at a loss to make their marketshare. Its not great but if you want to “try vr” especially something you hear will make you physically sick to use and you might not even like. Its just logical to spend the least amount of money on it for a “proper headset”. Like if you value your privacy that is fine and completely understandable but lets be honest here, most people don’t. Especially with the popularization of social media and smart phones like we can even apply the same logic with your argument with phones like why would you buy a device that has so many cameras and microphones and wave it around your home and toilet. Hell I think the phone is actually worse since most people bring them everywhere while a headset is a bit more constrained on where you can take it.
But they make their new products with 10% of recycled plastics and a cardboard box! SO ECO-FRIENDLY!
By killing the product completely they’re forcing their users to upgrade. It’s always profits man, that’s always the reason
It’s called “planned obsolescence”.
Not even planned obsolescence… It’s just “hey, you guys aren’t buying our slightly better new version. We were talking today about how to make a little bit more money, and we decided, hey, we don’t want to maintain this anymore. We also don’t want to unlock it and let someone else take over, and while we’re at it let’s just start shutting off features until you buy a new one. Because fuck you”
I know. I was saying that is so unreasonable that they shouldn’t be allowed to do it.
That said. I hope people are not so stupid to trust Meta with an upgrade after something like that.
Better to have invested in a Valve Index I feel than get an Oculus. Might be more expensive, but I trust Valve to not completely fuck over their consumers.
Minor exception is Australia.
Valve hates Australia (valve lost in court over refunds here).
So we don’t get access to their hardware directly. It’s lame.
I don’t get why you’re being downvoted, sounds like a localization/price/law thing, like Brazil and the price of consoles and games over there.
It’s lemmy.
I’m used to it. If you post something that’s not with the hive mind, you get down voted, regardless of you are correct.
I mean not really. Again the index is a great headset but look at how long people actually use their headsets for. Is it better to throw your money into a pit that is $400 or $1000. VR is a weird since you either love it or hate it. Most people are going to hate it and many people aren’t really into the idea of reselling their stuff. This isn’t to say facebook good or some nonsense like that but from a prospective customer’s standpoint why spend so much money on something you might not even like. You don’t have to drill any holes in your walls to put up base stations while inside out tracking isn’t great it gets the job done and again its far more convenient. I like the option to have base stations but again realistically putting in so much work for something you might only spend a week or month on is not a great investment of your money or time. If you like VR, I would highly suggest getting a better headset than a quest or oculus headset but a newcomer I will 100% suggest a quest over anything else especially a used model to save them extra cash.
Why should they be able to do this?
Because we own nothing now.
“BuT MeTa aNd TheIr MoNeY ArE GOOD FoR VR!!!”
I warned everyone. I warned everyone back in, like, 2016.
The second I heard Facebook bought Oculus, I knew it’d be ewaste. Fuck zuck and any piece of shit greedy pig like him.
I was so excited about Oculus up until the acquisition.
They’re still doing interesting things I just can’t approach anything Meta does with enthusiasm.
You definitely shouldn’t be excited for anything Facebook.
My BIL’s friend was an engineer at Oculus and he was so sad when they got bought out. He works at Meta now (golden handcuffs) and says it’s ok but not all that fun anymore.
I remember the dev of Frog Fractions was doing a kickstarter back then. After the announcement of Facebook buying Occulus, they put up a new bonus goal of 2 billion: “Buy occulus back”
Not trying to negate what you said, but I honestly don’t remember people saying that. I remember people complaining about Oculus being bought.
Are we going to ignore that VR adoption is basically held up by Oculus/facebook. I hate facebook and their support for their titles on the VR space are dreadful for instance it is unacceptable what they did with Echo Arena but you can literally look at the steam hardware survey and see that Oculus/facebook makeup nearly 70% (67.4% to be more accurate) of VR headsets in the market today for PCVR. Who the fuck is funding many VR game devs right now? I can tell you it ain’t many publishers and the biggest one right now is Facebook as much as I hate to say it. Facebook absolutely is a crutch VR needs to survive in this market but we gamers should make use of them for as long as possible then ditch them whenever its convenient for us.
Hell the PSVR2 looking very juicy if that has great PCVR support and it doesn’t require any ps5 nonsense to work but PSVR2 is a perfect example of how VR is not in a great place and a big part of it is price related. Like VR nuts (like I) would gladly pay higher tier prices for a good headset but to some average joe, they see a headset that costs as much as a fucking console that only works with a limited number of games. Hell the thing can even make you sick trying to use it. Most people aren’t going to pay 1000+ dollars to try VR to see if they “like it”, hell they aren’t even paying $550.
Again I’m not here to advocate for Facebook but I will sure as hell make use of their investments in VR because they are sort of throwing that money in a fire pit with how the market is. Facebook plans on trying to fill that fire pit with so much money it becomes a bridge that is profitable and it might be in the future but right now if you want someone to try VR, a oculus headset is probably the best bang for your buck headset especially if you buy it used since realistically most people are going to play with it for a month then be done with it and try to hock the thing.
So, they’re basically forcing it into the junk pile, even if developers want to support it. What a terrible company.
Well it is meta. I am surprised they didn’t make them all just catch fire and burn down the owners houses.
There’s no money in that for them. Now if they owned a real estate company…
Upon being handed a busted Quest 2 that indeed caught fire, I’ve found a lot of folks online that have had that very issue lol.
Unrelated, I fixed it and noe need VR game suggestions as this realm is the shit.
lol it’s not even 5 years old?!? I appreciate Zuc giving me another reason to not buy their hardware
It’ll be five years old this may. It’s four, going in five.
Meanwhile my OG oculus rift is still working fine
Same. CV1. Fuck Facebook
I mean, this will carry on working as a PC headset too. Doesn’t say they’re taking that away.
I’m about to revive my CV1 as I reinstall my gaming rig in a couple months. I hope it won’t be bricked by those Facebook idiots.
“Because climate change doesn’t exist, so fuck you and fuck your grand children’s children. Our bottom line is what matters” - every company ever
“Our headquarters are located in swamp-ass-backward-Florida”
It should still work fine with SteamVR right? I’m not too pressed.
Will it? I would love to try out VR gaming but I really don’t want to be locked into meta’s ecosystem.
It currently does, I still use mine both standalone, and linked with my desktop on the oculus platform and SteamVR, since i disliked how cheaply made the oculus 2 was.
Right now I’m waiting for a competitor to the quest to even appear on the market, since there doesn’t seem to be any other standalone option right now.
There’s the Pico 4 - but the company behind it is ByteDance. You might know ByteDance from their other product: TikTok…
So in the end it would be out of the frying pan and into the fire, I think.
Yeah I’m not eager to go from sending my floorplan to zuck to sending it to the CCP, lol.
Thank you for that info! I have a really hard time spending a lot of money on myself so I’ve been putting off buying a vr set for years and years now, but if I was to get one it would be valve or pico because screws Facebook. Now I guess it’s just valve though…
There’s also SideQuestVR
The only silver lining is that this will encourage the homebrew scene to take off. The same thing happened with the PS Vita as soon as support started to wane.
And 3ds And OG Xbox And PS3 (though it took some exploting) And Wii U Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head, anyways
deleted by creator
Oh yeah there are loads of great examples. Point being, official development stopping means nothing for the homebrew scene. If anything, it might actually be a good thing because there won’t be any updates to break homebrew apps
Unless your Nintendo, that is
I mean, the Wii, WiiU and DS consoles have reasonably busy homebrew scenes. You’re right, they’re pretty small compared to the other consoles mentioned but they definitely exist, and I’m sure the Switch will get the same when they move on to the next console
I was referring to Nintendo still pushing software updates to try and break 3ds homebrew even though after next month they won’t support the console in any way
We thank you for being our beta testers, now fuck right off
It’s not even a beta tester thing. They just bought it from Oculus, made a few minor changes (most notably requiring you to have a Facebook account to use it) and that was it. This is a “force consumers to upgrade” thing. And it should be illegal.
I thought the on device camera based positioning was developed after Facebook bought them and hired John Carmack
Yeee anybody who bought these as an actual standalone headset is in for a rude awakening of how console gaming works and how app store monopolies and vertical integration are able to offer you prices that massively undercut the competition like this.
As always - PC games are forever, piracy is forever. My quest 2 exists to have VD on it and nothing else, and when support is discontinued if the dev keeps updating it - I’ll sideload the .APKs myself.
My worry and the main reason I’ve not jumped for one, is that with the requirement of a Meta account and stuff, Meta could decide to just have all their headsets of a certain generation stop working after some date even if you only use desktop streaming.
Are there any known workarounds/safeguards against Meta remote control of the device?
I have used my pi-hole to blacklist all the oculus, meta and facebook domains, so I don’t get firmware update pushes on my Q1.
BUT, I did have a weird out-of-sync issue with Virtual Desktop a few months ago when I thought I had properly version locked.
All I ever wanted my Quest to be was a monitor. The fact that they could brick a monitor because they feel like it’s obsolete, is asinine.
I found THIS, but there are some caveats.
Thanks for the research. It seems like their discontinuation of Oculus accounts made some of the steps harder or less effective, and I’d worry about messing something up.
I took a second look after you replied and holy shit you’re right it is very involved. I’m just going to take my chances with meta still and if they burn me I got my several hundred hours of Skyrim VR in. Enough to justify an Index.
My quest 2 exists to have VD on it
Sounds a lot like a girl I knew back in college. Do you also share it with all your friends and people you barely met?
God bless Jessica
Is there a homebrew scene with these Quest devices?
Yeah, via SideQuest (which is a sideloader program), and most game engine support quest development. However it wouldn’t surprise me if Meta were able to prevent that.
They really are horrible to devs, they offer no real support, especially for Unreal devs, and their dev forums are practically dead because of this.
They don’t understand how to encourage devs. I was thinking of getting a Meta Quest 3, but seeing this post has me reconsidering the idea.
Not quite homebrew, but SideQuest is the least hassle free solution for many alternatives and games.
God I hope so. This is ludicrous. People are still developing NES games ffs! A friend of mine did.
It’s just Android iirc.
Dunno how much enthusiasm there is for a homebrew scene because the 1st gen was weak as shit, and the main selling point is you can use them as a PC headset, which is going to get you a better experience than any game run natively on it.
I can’t speak for the quest directly but I’ve used programs like sidequest to load homebrew games onto my quest 2. It’s also really easy to do so I don’t think they’re quote going to be e waste yet
A similar thing will happen with WMR headsets in November of 2026, by the way (they’ll work beyond that, but you can’t download the software anymore after that date):
Since these depend on Windows itself, I don’t think there will be an easy (or even possible) workaround.
Sad news, because these are cheap, high-res, fast to set up, easy to use and generally very decent headsets. Controllers are not top of the class, but good enough for almost anything. Ideal for people interested in tipping their toes into proper PCVR.
There are already third party/open source drivers being developed for WMR hardware, though. Like Monado.
It’s unlikely WMR headsets will be completely unusable after M$ drops support, but A) they will still work with existing systems, B) third party software will hopefully be okayish by then and C) it will almost certainly be possible to “pirate” the Microsoft WMR application(s) the same way it is already possible to manually re-add modules back into Windows that have been officially discontinued.
Thanks for informing me about Monado, but it seems like it’s exclusive to Linux. That’s hardly ideal. Then again, it’s more than two years until November of 2026, so a lot might happen until then.
For Monado on Windows iirc the current state is that it works but not with real hardware (which is usually well supported officially anyway) due to lack of drivers. Now if it becomes the only platform to keep supporting WMR the developer incentive is definitely there.
What a lame early April fools joke.
Does quest 1 have access to virtual desktop? If so, can you just keep playing off of your computer hardware? Or are those 10kB patches virtual desktop has to download RIGHT NOW five minutes after you start using it really important to the operation of the streamer app?