For all the talk about saving democracy they kinda forgot the “run a candidate that can win” bit
People can trash talk Trump’s policies, and there is a LOT to talk about, but underneath it all is the massive failure of the democratic party
They can’t run a candidate that can win because that would require a platform that steps on too many donors’ toes.
Regardless of the candidate, they didn’t seem to even have a contingency plan if trump won.
Or even a plan for if someone worse than trump had won
Maybe you could help us? What should we do? […] Tell Elon that he won an award for creating the funniest meme to lure him into Conference Room A at the Treasury Department and then barricade him in there?
Now hold up, this isn’t the worst idea I’ve heard.
America desperately needs a third, fourth or more political parties rather than deciding between which half of the one party state.
That and stop legal bribery. Disclaimer: am not usaian.
Having two round elections would pave way to having more than two parties, apparently even that is too hard
if we had general primaries maybe we could effectively get the ball rolling towards a real voting system
Jungle primaries have existed in California, Washington and Alaska since at least 2014. You still see a convergence on the two main parties across every level
I’d rather see proportional representation than waste time fiddling with RCV/instant runoff or nonpartisan primaries.
absolutely. like i said. the goal is a real voting system
The two party political system isn’t the only problem.
Proportional voting in say, Germany, hasn’t stopped the rise of the far right in other countries that have it.
A more common underlying problem is that more and more people get their news and information solely from social media, which actively promotes the most sensational and polarizing stories and disinformation because it generates more clicks for advertising dollars.
yeah the tech industry desperately needs regulation
The US does in-fact have multiple third parties. Everyone who votes for them just gets yelled at for being Trump supporters.
or russian agents, it was really pathetic to watch.
Democracy was on the line and they still couldn’t come up with a coherent strategy. Disband the party and build a replacement that does something.
implement ranked choice voting so voters can vote for who they actually want… people might actually be motivated to vote.
then democrats can harvest the preferences rather then blabbering on about the greens stole the election or jill what’s her face is a russian agent.