Deport Elon Musk
This isn’t an deportation level crime. This is “hang for treason” crime.
More like a: “let’s see if the peasants care and are willing to do anything about it and worst case, he’ll get a pardon” crime.
Elon Musk should be deported to ADX Florence or Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp
Nah. Seize his assets, but make him stay here. Make that Nazi bastard experience life the American Way™ - living paycheck to paycheck at a minimum wage job (cause the moment his net worth guess to zero, his political influence does as well - another trademarked advantage of American living).
He’d still be a celebrity, a couple of talk show invitations and he’d be better off than the bar majority of Americans. Not to speak of other opportunities he’d have.
Zero assets? Yeah, I really doubt that. He’s not smart. And his popularity? You think any of these sociopaths in power actually like each other? Not a chance.
The moment there’s no chance of material gain by sucking up to him, he’d be tossed aside.
I really wish we’d stop hero worshipping the most worthless fools amongst us.
So here in Italy a few days ago, a small mountain town got invaded by 10000 people because a random tiktok influencer posted that she was there skiing.
Never underestimate people’s stupidity and attraction to celebrities.
Oh, I love that idea. Actually, first give him some time, where he gets to work for less than minimum wage at a totally shit job.
Then release him, with the criminal record. See how he does…
I really don’t think it’ll work. Americans absolutely love their celebrities. Elon musk will never be poor, people will just give him money for existing.
Heh. I see what you did there…
Pipe dreams. Billionaires have beat the system. They’ll never be on our level, even after “losing” everything.
It sucks. But unless some external force is involved, they’ll never ever face repercussions for any of the bad they’ve ever done. This is the system they’ve built and designed for themselves.
Ummm…yes? Duh, even??
Debone Elon Musk
Let him ‘occupy Mars.’
I’m 100% okay with using tax dollars to strap this fuckface to a rocket launching him at Mars
Deport Elon Musk back to hell
I was thinking of making bumper stickers for that. But someone already even has the domain for that…
To Mars.
He didn’t seize control. He was given it by the President. I figured the article would cover the nuance the headline missed, but it didn’t.
And then I see others here making the same point and getting downvoted.
The problem is Trump and the very best people he is once again bringing in.
He purchased it from the president.
Well, purchased it from the person he made president.
Wait, how does Putin fit in this scenario?
Yes they did. Musk and Trump literally campaigned together, Musk was on-stage next to Trump at multiple rallies where he spoke too. It was clearly reported during the election that Musk was spending hundreds of millions of dollars to get Trump elected.
Here’s an article from September (before the election) with Trump saying he’d create DOGE and have Musk lead it.
Anyone who voted from trump and didn’t expect this is either lying, or intentionally being ignorant.
You and I are paying attention at a level of detail that almost no Americans do. It would merely take an ordinary level of ignorance to be unaware of this.
American ordinary level of ignorance is too damn low…
You probably mean high. Their ignorance is too high. Their awareness is too low.
American Ignorance is willful
Hey now - give them some credit. They’re 100% aware of what Fox News and other media outlets that seem them too “liberal” as Fox News are telling them!
They’re fucking morons.
It’s odd though. The it guy at the company I work for is a trump fan, and he’s not stupid. I don’t understand this world anymore.
I retreat into my own world now.
resisting propaganda isn’t about intelligence. it’s about raising empathetic children
The Smithsonian Institution needs more funding so it can build museums outside of DC and its surrounding areas. It’s a way to combat ignorance.
not just because of that. the smithsonian represents a massive collection of our culture that the government has gathered so that we don’t have access to it. much of it the prizes of the 2-3 genocides our government has inflicted
My best friend’s husband is also. Along with my dad. Both said they just wanted lowered taxes. I cannot begin to describe how intelligently fucking stupid these people are.
Selfishness is the cause there. “I just want lower taxes” as they ignore all the horrendous stuff Trump says/does just so they can have more money for themselves.
Big “I got mine, fuck you.” energy there.
Well with the Republicans new tax plan they’ll get increased taxes and all the horrible shit that comes with this administration. Hope they’re happy.
Correct. Really enraging behavior to see on display but Americans are mostly deeply selfish.
Yeah, you get your lower taxes, and then you just have to use some of the money you got to keep and some extra to pay for all the services you got for free. That’s the bargain Americans already made for health care, and now they’ll get it with food safety, the environment, the weather, etc.
The MAGAs and Trumpists just need a reality check from the administration itself that they can’t hide or pretend. Something like WaterGate
lol that’s not going to happen. The train has left the station and everyone with the capacity to choose to get off has already done so. Stop hoping for a moment that will never come.
We had J6, FFS. The most filmed crime in history. The biggest investigation in history.
Did not fucking matter. Idiots like Watters brush that off by saying the terrorists there on that day were “overcharged” and, therefore, their pardon is justified.
Hard agree. My mom is not the most politically literate person, and never cared much about tech, EVs, or space flight, but this summer out of nowhere she started talking about how great this Musk guy was and all his business accomplishments.
The Trump voters have been have been fully prepped on how to feel about Elmo for quite some time now.
Remember: it’s not just trump and musk to blame, the entire Republican party is responsible for supporting all this.
If you want to do a bit of Both-Sides-ism, big chunks of the Dem Establishment have also been very friendly with Elon. FFS, he didn’t have any trouble landing contracts under the Biden Admin. And he led Gavin Newsom around by the nose with his Hyperloop promises for nearly a decade.
But I’d say the more pervasive concern is how heavily leveraged Elon’s businesses are with respect to his Saudi creditors. And that’s the real snarl at the end of this problem. The US has made the Saudi Royal Family such an enormous nexus of dollar inputs and outputs that Aramco might as well be a second Federal Reserve.
Our addiction to fossil fuels is driving significant chunks of our bad policy, both domestic and foreign. And while you can wax poetic about Americans “not voting for this”, there’s a deep socio-economic bond between American industry and cheap oil. Americans “vote” for the Saudis with their labor hours and their consumer spending on a daily basis.