8PM (right now) +/- 10 hours
Better call the tiberium harvester back in.
The Bureau. Get stuffed! Some transient ceo having a wet dream about leading the FBI. It’ll always be the BOM!
Corrected, thankyou. I blindly took the page title.
Haha! Sorry, i wasn’t aiming the vitriol at you. I’d assumed that was the page title used. All my vitriol is aimed at the BOMs leadership :)
Little do you know that I’m secretly in charge of the
BureuaBureuaBureau. I believe https should be a premium feature that valuable customers will pay for.
Does this apply on the dark side of Earth? I.e. during night time?
Explains why my Wifi speaker keeps dropping off my network tonight.
No, it doesn’t. It would stop satellites from communicating with Earth on those frequencies due to having the ionosphere in the way, but it would not stop ground-based equipment from communicating with other ground-based equipment on those frequencies.
Did I really need a sarcasm tag?
Do geo storms affect up into the GHz where wifi sits? I can only find material talking about the ionisphere and frequencies up to HF :|
No, they don’t. They would stop satellites from communicating with Earth on those frequencies through the ionosphere, but they wouldn’t stop ground equipment from communicating with each other on those frequencies.
Ahhhh that would be why my covid vaccine been telling to take up arms for Bill Gates