Someone tell them about high card please
All my homies ride or die on flush 😎
Flush + Smeared Joker = 👨🍳💋
Wait what does high card have going for it?
When I won it was with flushes, I think. And that joker that was like “you win if you have 25% of the chips you need”
if you only play one card, you can hold more steel/gold/blue seal cards in your hand
this doesn’t matter much for winning normal runs, but if you happen to get jokers that buff steel cards (i.e. Mime and Baron), copy said jokers, find ways to increase your hand size, and make every card in your deck the same card, you can get absurdly high scores and get really far into endless mode
my current high score is 6.817x10^98, which I got with a really good high card plasma deck run
again though, you do need to find exactly the right jokers for this, so building around any other hand type is almost always more reliable for winning ante 8
High Card is really good because or retriggers, among other things. It’s one of the most reliable builds
High card isnt really a build by itself. Its more accurate to call it the joker build where 99% of your score comes from your jokers. The end game you aim to hit is (1) chip joker (ideally scaling) (1) +mult joker (ideally scaling) and (3) xmult jokers.
Then it does not matter what hand you make which is why this is called a high card build because you can just play high card. However you can also play pairs or two pairs. It does not matter.
An example of a finished joker build is:
- blue joker for chips
- ride the bus for mult
- cavendish
- card sharp
- ramen
By ante 8, even assuming level 1 high card you will score 100k with a single high card, enough to clear ante 8 gold stake. And this joker setup isnt even considered that good. (Eg. Ramen is only 2x and there are better chip jokers than blue joker).
The reason why this build is popular is because its extremely consistent and also because you will be immune to most boss effects. RNG is never an issue because you can never miss your draw.
Never played myself but watched this. High card is cracked
Jesus, why would a game creator have such a hard time on white stake, especially after several months? Getting to Ante 8 on white stake is fairly easy.
Its pobably just hypebole but not everyone has the same cognitive ability or think the same way. Game creators tend to be creatives with a unique idea on how to twist the genre they love, not card counters or rougelike vetrans. You would think game creators should be good programmers but Balatro is held together with ducktape and bubblegum in terms of LUA code quality.
The scripting portion is written in Lua? I remember when all the “noobs” would write really shit PSP apps on it and C devs would shit all over them. I’m happy to hear it’s getting some work done (based on what I heard about the game being decent). It’s not the tool but the end product produced that dictates whether something is fun or not.
Edit: there were some decent apps written for it as well, but it did attract a lot of new programmers. Gotta start somewhere thought :)
If you own balatro you can open the exe file with an archive manager and see its a bunch of lua files in a trenchcoat the source is completely open and readable
I tried Balatro and I hate it. AMA.
WhyIt’s Inscryption but worse.
Uglier, more busy for busy’s sake, and the entire screen slowly wobbles by default.
Have you tried the plasma deck though?