IDC if Windows disappears, I just don’t want to see Linux turn into it.
The open source nature kind of prevents that. Other projects have been made an example of like OwnCloud -> NextCloud, Emby -> Jellyfin, and I’m sure there are more I just can’t think of ATM.
Oh yea? Tell it to google
I mean, what are you referencing specifically because Android is still an open source operating system with healthy forks (Lineage, Calyx, Graphene, Muerena, PixelOS etc.) and ChromiumOS is open source I believe, even if its just a fork of Gentoo. Is there something I’m unaware of?
Well android is a mess because of google services, I haven’t tried grapheneos though…My experience with android is that I have even less control than over windoze
G Services were never a part of android though, and android is fully functional without them if youre running a FOSS suite of apps. There are multiple options to restore GService functionality while maintaining privacy such as MicroG which is a reverse engineering of GServives to make them FOSS, and Sandboxed GServices which is literally just gservices, sandboxed, which will provide 1:1 compatibility with all your apps provided youre fine with having google code on your device.
In terms of “control” on Android, it really depends on what you mean. On Android you can still uninstall every app you want provided you have access to ADB, unlike Windows where you can’t uninstall the damn built in web browser. Android also makes a lot of privacy features easier to access such as the ability to immediately turn off your location/camera/mic on the fly if you add them to your notification shade, as well as the Android 12+ feature of the “privacy bubble” that shows you if any running app is currently using location, camera or mic. There are definitely things Windows is “better” at, such as tweaking the UI/UX, but in all fairness if M$ could disallow that without breaking their legacy codebase they would.
That’s an actual risk. The massification to enshittification pipeline is real
That’s why I never understood the Apple hate. Granted, it’s overpriced for the experienced user and closed-source software, but it’s a far cry from Microsoft’s hold on the market.
We share a kernel for crying out loud. We’re practically cousins. Lol
Proprietary hardware, anti-consumer practices, idk I can keep going if you want
@disguy_ovahea we don’t really share a kernel, but we do share the lineage, so yeah, we are cousins. I hate Mac OS far less than I do Windows. My pet peeve about it is largely political, not technical.
@drq @disguy_ovahea @_carmin
Apple is responsible for turning khtml into gargantuan webkit whose compile times comprise the most of my Gentoo updates.@loonycyborg Irrelevant to this conversation.
khtml my beloved, konqueror’s concept is worth so much much more than whatever apple shits out these days
Your mistake lies in using Gentoo
macOS is a derivative of BSD Unix. Linux was a from-scratch Unix-alike. The fundamental core, including the literal kernel, are different even if they act the same in many ways.
If you’re using “kernel” in a non-standard sense to mean “share some common tools, mindset and behaviour” then maybe, but that’s stretching the definition a long way from what technical people would expect.
Apple is what Microsoft wishes it could be (minus the difference in market share). That’s personally why I won’t give Apple any of my money. Really not interested in that locked down ecosystem.
This probably isn’t a popular option, but a lot of the recent hate on Microsoft have been standard practice for Apple for a long time.
Windows 10 free update length? 10 years. Mac? 5-7 years.
Baked in cloud backup? Yeah, Apple has been doing that for a while and a lot of things go to the cloud by default. If you have an iPhone or iPad, things you download go to iCloud by default.
It seems like Microsoft is trying to follow Apple’s model.
I do get not wanting to support windows 10 anymore. The CPU limitations on Win 11 are very dumb, but it’s something Apple has been doing for decades. I will be installing mint on my old desktop.
I give them less grace with OneDrive. That rollout has been very naggy and shitty.
Both being POSIX compatible doesn’t make them related, is just a standard way of deploying portable operating systems from the early days.
Mac OS isn’t even all that POSIX. I would much rather have Windows or Linux.
You are right, it is not very POSIX compatible anymore. I stopped updating my Mac at Monterey simply because they started doing what seems like a walled garden approach for their operative systems, for the software releases and installing binaries from non-approved sources makes you jump through hoops and is necessary to disable their crap most users won’t touch. But this is not even that old, IIRC it started going downhill when Mac OS X Mavericks was released.
Mac OS Mavericks went EOL 5 months ago. I would strongly recommend that you move to something still getting security updates. There are massive security problems with out of date Mac OS
Did you even read that I use Monterey?
I stopped updating my Mac at Monterey
You said it in your comment
Mac OS Mavericks went EOL 5 months ago. I would strongly recommend that you move to something still getting security updates.
Yeah, Monterey. Not Mavericks.
Apple is not Linux based
I don’t want windows to disappear. I want it to admit defeat by slowly migrating towards a linux kernel.
If I recall correctly, wasn’t this already one of Microsoft’s ideas?
Correct. Azure Linux. They’ve been slowly adding to their Linux distro piece by piece over the years. It’s more expensive to run Windows in the cloud than it is Linux. My bet is, Office 365 will one day give you Azure Linux with a Windows userland and a Windows DE. 90% of the users probably wouldn’t even know the difference. The few folks whose programs actually need Windows will probably just fall back to full Windows while the rest of everybody just uses Azure Linux; saving Microsoft millions.
I’m all for Windows dying. Please. Do it.
If you want windows to disappear, you could throw rocks at them until they become too annoying to replace
I am gonna suffocate.
Like this:
Millions will be force into Linux
How? Don’t worry about it