Even better: Pirate it and then just send the author a check. Cut out the middleman of the publishing houses and Amazon.
Haha I’m going to start doing this for living authors
Funnily enough, in my experience Humble Bundle and Fanatical are the best reputable options for DRM free ebooks/audiobooks/comics and that is actually pretty sad thinking about it. Now I’m just looking for a DRM movie store with a decent selection
For movies, it’s best just to buy physical.
Hard disagree. Fuck all forms of DRM
What? Physical discs can easily be ripped and you never have to worry about the license being revoked. Sure, if you just want to pirate everything all the time and never contribute money to anything, that’s certainly an option.
I just borrow them from the library website.
At least where I am, the few that are available are only available in a buggy app that crashes more often than not.
If they had access to real books, they might learn the difference between then and than!
I think they do intend “then”, i.e., first pirate the book and then buy a DRM locked copy you don’t intend to open to remain legal.
It’s what I assumed. And it’s almost how I do it: buy the ebook from a source that I know has easily removed DRM and then remove it before copying it to my e-reader.
I want to pay authors but I’m not willing to put up with DRM on something I’ve purchased. I’ll tolerate it on things I’m renting/borrowing although that’s no harder to remove.
They used the correct word though?
If you’re going to make fun of someone’s grammar, first make sure that it is not you making the mistake.
Alternatively: you could just not be a prick about it.
Do you need that book yourself? Is this a cry for help?