Nice, they might as well make Source-1 engine opensource
Doesn’t it contain a bunch of licensed code like Havok physics
I think they actually did? The most recent update was the whole source code for TF2 iirc
What the fuck is a Godot? Wasn’t that a play?
if only there was some community about it where you could read more about it
It’s a game engine, like unity or unreal.
How long do I have to wait for it?
Hah, I hear you say that in my head as Bender, while flahing his camera.
Really big flex for godot tbh
Gal Godot is a programmer too? Is there anything this woman can’t do?
Is there anything this woman can’t do?
True. She makes a damn good boxed Mac and Cheese, though. You can’t even tell that it’s loaded with vitamins.
deleted by creator
Well for one she can’t stand up against genocide.