Authoritarian left is such a bizarre and self-contradictory place
Clearly you haven’t read enough Theory™
Yeah, I’ve seen more than enough consequences of Practice®
Authoritarian Left is just a marketing campaign to gain more influence.
All authoritarians are bastards.
Russia’s invasion is actually imperialism now because the US backs it. (/s)
For real, I wonder what gymnastics this will produce
“Critical Support for Comrade Trump! Supporting the Republican Party is Left Praxis™ because the collapse of the Imperial Core is worth any number of ‘minorities’ of the Amerikkkan crackkker Labor Aristocracy being brutally murdered in the process.”
Something like that.
One should be against all forms of imperialism.
Protect Palestine and Ukraine!
Hey, anarchists hate the tankies as much as the rest of y’all. If there’s one thing leftists are good at, it’s hating other leftists
We love our anarchist comrades here
We love our Demsoc comrades
We even love some Trots (though Trotsky himself was somewhat shitty)
If tankies and liberals would stop stabbing us in the back, then maybe us anarchists would stop infighting with them. Look at any anarchist history and it almost always is anarchists joining some sort of popular front, and then the statists backstabbing us the first opportunity they get. Spanish Civil War and the Ukrainian War for Independence being two perfect examples.
Personally I still work with statists, because I know I won’t get far organizing if I entirely avoid them. But I keep them at arms length cause I’m not letting those leopards anywhere near my face.
Right bcz putting a 100,000 troops on the border of Ukraine and then invading isn’t Imperialism.
No the US started it clearly.
Oh right, my bad. The U.S. MADE Russia do it. I always forget that’s what happened.