Did rioting work for George Floyd? Every single police reform bill was killed when Fox News exploited the riots to portray the whole police reform movement as crazy.
Rioting just injures a couple of working class cops, gets yourself arrested, and plays into their hands. If you want the ruling oligarchs to fear you, don’t riot. Harm the economy. Boycott. General strike. Make the line go down.
NOW we’re talking, finally, people are starting to figure out how this whole thing works.
that’s because the fascists are still “setting the rules”
we will see how long that lasts for, i suppose.
“A riot is the language of the unheard”
-Martin Luther King Jr.
If I know anything about people in power is that they never learn. Colin kapernick kneeled to protest police brutality. Not even a year later George Floyd dies from police brutality and people rioted and burned down police station etc…
If you don’t let people protest THEY WILL RIOT.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable” -JFK
Not to mention Kap got the suggestion to take a knee from a goddamn Green Beret. The majority of Americans are taught that nationalism=patriotism and that’s a dangerous way to think, especially when we have the biggest guns.
Americans are apathetic, misinformed, dissuaded or exhausted by everything going on the last 8 years or so.
Would be totally surprised if major public protests happened. People mainly just look out for themselves. That’s the American way. Community has been removed and replaced with TV.
I mean, the literal design of an American suburb is to make sure everyone stays as individualistic as possible and does not connect or form community. It is by design
The documentary Century of Self NY Adam Curtis is basically about this.
American exceptionalism is finding an excuse for why nothing can ever work in your country yet does anywhere else.
Meanwhile the altright descended on and almost toppled your entire system of government a few years back.
I remember 20 years cities all across America protesting against the WoT and 1%ers.
But nope, just can’t happen in America, they’re special.