This story keeps getting reported every few days and I’m really starting to question it. Even if it’s generally true, the fact that it keeps popping up as a story is really suspicious.
I did a search for it and couldn’t find it posted. My apologies if this has already been posted here, I do make efforts to ensure I’m not doubling up on articles. If I missed it that’s my fault.
Considering the article was written on the 6th, I find it hard to believe there’s is a suspicious pattern of it popping up every few days.
A manual scan of the news community indicates this article has not been posted since the 6th. Nor another story like it.
I took that to mean it’s been released multiple times as a statement, not that you were sharing a duplicate.
Understood, I wasn’t seeing articles discussing this angle either. Not that I’m challenging the perspective outright, I myself just haven’t seen that to be the case. I haven’t been as attentive to news recently too, so I very well could be wrong.
Edit: no bad blood here, I’m not taking anything as an accusation, don’t want this misinterpreted.
I love the civil dialogue here, keep it up folks.
Sorry, it’s not about you. The story just keeps popping up from different outlets. I apologize, I didn’t mean to suggest you personally had an ulterior motive, just that this is starting to sound like propaganda the media is falling for.
Please see my reply to another user for clarification. I don’t know that simply because outlets are carrying the same message that it’s propaganda, it could be that it’s just information worth reporting on. But again I haven’t been as deep into news as of recently. This doesn’t strike me as propaganda personally (a larger comparison, for example, Sinclair outlets repeating the same script).
Edit: and no apology necessary, I wasn’t taking your comment so harshly, all good :)
Obvious propaganda is obvious. The people of Gaza are paying the price of Israel’s policy of deliberately targeting civilians with the intent to cause as much death and suffering as possible.
It’s not a war. It’s a genocide. Always will be.
And always was
As if they got any choice lol
This article is nothing burger. You have to be an idiot not to understand that there is no civic choice here.
Because Netanyahu and Hamas are secretly allies.
What makes you think this?
It’s well documented that Netanyahu propped up and funded Hamas for years.
True, though I think “allies” is selling things rather strongly.
indirectly boosting the militant organization
Maybe it’s more complicated?
About as complicated as the CIA funding the Taliban, sure.
No explanation in the real world is monocausal.
Create a problem that you have a solution for. Bibi wanted West bank and to delete Palestine. Fund Hamas through various subsidaries. Invade, steal, profit
Wasn’t the election that got them into power sus AF to begin with?
Yes, and it was nearly 20 years ago, and they’ve only shored up their hold on power since. However, their popularity waxes and wanes with their fortunes; they unambiguously have significant grassroots support, unfortunately.
it’s not like the people of Gaza can vote for someone else
Hamas started this to cause maximum casualties for propaganda and maintain the war for the same reason. It’s not like they were ever even trying to win.
who has more money and political control?
delete my comment below, why?
fuck you mod pussies
You’re, right! The Saudis, Iran…USA? Hamas was never even involved!
Amazing to see people try to even contradict hamas.
But I’m just saying who has more money and political power?
Hamas is born from an abusive system everything you just said is exploiting those already exploited people.
This is Israel’s fault.
Wish I had a boogy man I could blame everything bad on! Zero accountability hey? Yeesh.
Israel is responsible for the genocide in Gaza
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