Originally published 1906-12-23
Have we considered that Everett may be on the spectrum? He has a lot of sensory overload reactions and impulse control deficits.
Maybe it’s just the authors way to vent and people interpret way to much into it
This brings an interesting question to mind.
We know it takes 1 Mrs. True to take down Everett. How many average people would it take? If they all banded together in this moment and took him on, what would the casualty rates look like?
Also. Everett is clearly a Philly man, as he should be.
Not how my last experience in NYC was
Was in Manhattan a couple years ago, it wasn’t so bad. Crosswalks are where people get pushy. Most people try to keep to themselves.
On the other hand it is the only place I have ever witnessed someone getting on their car horn at an ambulance