Aren’t Odo’s clothes just…Odo? Like he’s not actually wearing anything. He just changes shape to make it appear like that.
Odo don’t need a closet, just a bucket.
I’m getting stupid sexy Flanders vibes here:
Yes. He’s like plastic-man, in that he’s stark naked, and only looks like he’s wearing clothes.
I seem to remember an episode where he turns into a raven on the concourse and leaves a pile of clothes behind.
I believe that scene happens just after he gets his shape-shifting powers back; for a while before that, he had to wear regular clothes because he had been made more or less human as punishment by the Founders.
Straight out of the Bajoran medical collection.
Yeah. He’s just wearing some kind of standard Bajoran civilian uniform, right?
(And the military Bajoran uniform is red)
Odo’s uniform is specific to security - his deputies wear the same colour scheme.
Fun fact, Odo’s deputies wear the exact same uniform as Odo meaning it’s literally made of Odo.
Since the Occupation, Bajor has a primarily Odo-based economy.