I, for one, am happy to receive any of our progressive neighbours to the south. We’ll need all the help we can to not follow in the US’s footsteps.
As an American: Maybe we can just bring all of our progressive folks to Canada, and you can ship all of your right-wingers to America. Please?
Shipping is expensive… is a trebuchet ok?
All the John Rustad and Pierre Poilievre supporters should move to Mississippi and Florida to save us all the trouble.
Deal! Apologies for not sending our best.
Please don’t send your best, we’d like you all to still be there when we arrive. <3
Progressive Americans share too many values with Conservative Canadians. Sorry.
Apologizing for pointing out something obvious: most Canadian thing ever.
@KoboldCoterie You have a deal!!
I’d be down for this. Send them all to the deep south, no takebacks when climate change fucks it all up. Seize the great lakes.
As someone who borders most of the Great Lakes, please don’t seize - most of us will join you willingly
This is what I’ve been saying. The kind of people who are trying to get away from fascism are exactly the kind of people we want.
Slide me one of those jobs with a work visa and I’ll be on the first train out. Got like 6 months of Duolingo French if that helps
Yeah, this couple are the best Americans we could receive.
Americans realizing other countries also have border control:
Honestly, the Dems would get a lot of votes if they just secured the border. They don’t even need to pass laws, just enforce those already passed
https://youtu.be/HyzGkEV3p2g not that they did a good job messaging it.
You ain’t wrong but you are missing the point who rules the US
Or you know, allow free movement if people wherever free movement of capital and commodities is allowed. An American Schengen if you will.
We’re all aware that This Hour Has 22 Minutes is satire, yeah?
Lol dammit this got me.
Seriously though, can I come if I’m fleeing there with my trans parter? I’m legit scared of what this government will do, hopefully somewhere in BC will be safer than living under this government that seems to want us erased.
Sorry Canadian bros, I technically have citizenship though I’ve been down here my entire life, probably moving back and doing the spousal sponsorship thing.
Best part? This past year it was a huge deal and a big step for her - we finally waded through the mountain of red tape to get her markers and name on her drivers and passport updated to match her appearance. It was a big step in her being able to buy booze without being misgendered. The consequence it’s that any of the shady fucks they’ll install in the state department can probably run a search and find out where we fucking live. Fucking fantastic.
Honestly if anyone has advice for a tech worker trying to move, I’d really appreciate it.
If it makes you feel better, I bet you can guess how we’ll vote.
If you have citizenship you can certainly come; if you’re wanting to bring your partner, best get married and get on it while we still recognize the marriage. Our next election is no later than October, and it’s not looking good
I’m fine with then coming here I just have to ask if they are fine leaving trump types in charge of one of the biggest global threats, at least smash something on the way out
biggest global threats
Whichever party is “in” in the US has relatively little effect on what happens outside the US.
We’ve all just been outright threatened with economic obliteration for the possibility of enforcing an ICC arrest warrant.
Trump’s just going mask off as far as geopolitics goes.
I’m conflicted on whether Canadians should warmly receive any ‘conscientious objectors’ this time around (‘last time around’ meaning war objectors in the Vietnam era).
While I understand their desire to flee what they feel is a dangerous domestic situation… it’s not to the same point as the Vietnam War where citizens were being conscripted to fight in a foreign conflict; today, they voted, and they got a government they may not like, but as citizens aren’t they supposed to then work to get it back they way they want?
If they’re eligible for emigration and can obtain landed immigrant status, fine. But they may have to live with fixing their problem at home, and cannot rely on being able to just pul up stakes and ‘ride it out’ in another friendly nation. If they end up not liking it in Canada, are they just going to leave there too?
Their boots on the ground and votes at the balloting stations will be needed more than ever in their home country in 2 and 4 years, presuming they’ll get a chance to vote again; which is something they need to stay and fight for! (Be that in the courts, the halls of Congress, or even in the streets, heaven forbid).
Replace American with Indian or Chinese in this comment;)
What about asylum seekers? Isn’t looking great for trans people…
True. I hope asylum is always on the table for cases where someone may be in physical danger. So sad we even have to contemplate such things.
Buy a house? Best I could hope for (assuming I could even make it to the border without a car) would be if they’d let me get into the MAID program. A tester for cheap brain preservation, if I’m lucky.
This is not a joke, I find the pearl-clutching about euthanasia silly when the alternative is business-as-usual (particularly here in the US where social programs are fought against).
Americans fleeing to Canada in 2024 gives Germans fleeing to Austria in 1934 vibes.