What’s up with the message to start with? How is he making the world better by investing in crypto
Imagine you have a simplified understanding of our financial system. Not necessarily wrong, but you are more on the “Money can be exchanged for goods & services”-level of understanding, then to a true finance expert, like an economist or market analyst for example.
You read into our financial system a little bit more and you discover that there are some real issues with it. People are making money off of it, but are not really contributing to society. But you are not quite there yet to understand that the reason for these flaws are complex & multilayered.
You discover crypto & the promise of a currency free of these backroom figures that syphon off money. A promise of redistribution to the common man.
Now mix in a little bit of narcissistic tendencies. YOU ARE A COMMON MAN. The big redistribution hasn’t happened yet, you can be Robin Hood destroying these man in black suits (& take a relatively minor part for yourself). You will be rich and the good guy.
At the end of the day this is an ad. Ads don’t have to be true. They have to invoke the right feelings in there target audience. And the target audience here is people with mediocre understanding of the financial world, with a few narcissistic tendencies.