Your average friendly nihilist from Finland.
Now that you cleared the little lies, it’s time for the big ones.
If Russia looses it’s bases in Syria, it’ll have a hard time supplying it’s African operations.
China has interests in Africa, Russia has influence in Africa, China has interest in Russia.
Russia looses it’s influence in Africa, China has zero interest in Russia.
But he brings gifts to warm our blackened consumer souls and only occasionally snacks on a family member.
*reinstalling Rimworld
Yea. Only matter of time till someone throws sharia on the table as a basis for the new nation.
That actually sounds fun.
Nobody asks, nobody answers, everybody keeps talking about each other.
Nobody should get offended because it’s all guesswork reflecting speakers worldviews.
Is it just me or are delusional anti-democratic Trumpian morons everywhere?
Probably, but back then they were really aggressive and even went after some small school in ass end of the world, because local newspapers had informed that the school was planning to swap computer lab devices to use various open source operating systems.
In went the MS briefcase man and the plans were scrapped in silence.
Why don’t we skip to the end and get them one of those fuckable silicone asses per man and get the ladies out of there. Situation would fix itself in a generation.
Back in Balmers days there would have been a mysterous briefcase men suggesting adjusted prices for all future MS involvement.
No, keep your pink pubic hair garbage of my Lemmy.
That’s his car
There are not many dark skinned gentleman among men or elfs of Middle Earth that you can’t kill no sight. Gotta go somewhere.
However, is it racism if you go outside your own species?
Natural end result of social media and user tracking search engines is echo chambers.
EA, Ubisoft and Take Two.
Willing to skip any game from those three.
I think the facist roles are reversed.
Tuollaiset petikaverit Orpo valitsi, jotta saisi elinkeinoelämän keskusliiton toivelistan toteutettua sellaisenaan.
Ei kai nyt jo tässä vaiheessa rupea munia kutittamaan?
80’s mommies were often wrong, but never about bad girls.