The platform for your favorite nested films and shows. Fictional movies within movies? Got ‘em. Fake shows within shows? You bet. Browse our selection of over 800 stories within stories.
MILF Island is real now, it’s called MILF Manor
And it’s about as perverted and creepy as they could possibly get away with lmao
The show currently has a 14% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, where critics describe it as “psychological torture” and “Freudian Horror”.
I only watched the first episode out of morbid curiosity but that is an accurate description of what it felt like
Was really hoping to see numberwang listed here!
Yah but that was a skit, not a show-within-a-show.
They do have Ow My Balls though, so that’s nice.
Yeah! They have Wormhole Xtreme!
That’s numberwang!
“I’m gonna give you to the count of 10, to get your ugly, yella, no-good keister off my property.”
Bitch hunter was my very first thought.
Fuck, they only have Scorcher 1 and 6. Can’t even get the full fake catalogue of fake movies on fake streaming services these days.
At least one of those posters uses a real movie name. Metalstorm is an actual movie.
Rhis is so cool