I have a theory that shitty products fundamentaly out-compete good products today because its way cheaper to market your product as good than to actually develop it well. I call it the craptocracy
Because it is made redundant by literally everything else that is already in your kitchen. You can’t name one thing this appliance does that a pressure cooker, stove/oven and crock pot don’t already do.
It also doesn’t replace any of those other devices so unless you’re a college dorm resident it’s just another massive thing on your counter for basically no value or reason
My instant pot is amazing. Everyone i know has one. How did they fail??
I have a theory that shitty products fundamentaly out-compete good products today because its way cheaper to market your product as good than to actually develop it well. I call it the craptocracy
Because it is made redundant by literally everything else that is already in your kitchen. You can’t name one thing this appliance does that a pressure cooker, stove/oven and crock pot don’t already do.
It also doesn’t replace any of those other devices so unless you’re a college dorm resident it’s just another massive thing on your counter for basically no value or reason