Isn’t dysentery basically when you shit yourself to death?
Too much of a good thing
One of several things that can make you shit yourself to death, yes.
Another fun one is cholera. Which may get a resurgence too, as regulatory capture means that raw or undercooked seafood from the Gulf of Mexico resulting in “very rare” cases might become “just a regular part of living in a modern kakistocracy”
You mention the Gulf of Mexico. A friend of ours recently has his whole family catch cholera from swimming on the beach in Galveston. They’re fine and all made full recoveries, as it isn’t lethal if properly treated. But yes, in the Year of Our Lord 2024, you can catch literal cholera just by going to the beach in Texas.
yeah it’s about as much fun as it sounds
Yes, and we know how to treat it (not cure, but we know how to make people not die) since, well, before the times depicted on the game. We have also knew how to avoid most of its infections since… hum, I don’t know that one, but Ancient Rome was full of structures made for that, and functional, so some time before them.
Still people didn’t use to be able to afford treatment (that is basically drinking large amounts of clean water with salt and sugar, and resting). And it takes a functional government to avoid it.
America voted for this.
Less than half voted for this.
As usual, the apathy party won, with 36% of voters not voting.
I still can’t believe that I know at least 5 ppl that have voluntarily stated they didn’t vote. I’m convinced they just wouldn’t vote for a woman bc they’re all not (at least publicly) republicans. We’ve still got a long way to go
you might be able to look them up on the state’s voter rolls to find about about that last part
Yes blame the voters not the system that leads to apathy.
Yep. I hold adults accountable for their choices.
Sorry, I was taking a shit that day.
Better get checked for dysentery. Or cholera. Or CDO (rearranged to be in alphabetical order because it HAS to be) 🤷
I’m rooting for the Polio. Those cute hats and little sticks and you get to ride around at a full gallop and then drink gin & tonics afterward.
That’s polo. Polio is that thing used for fishing. Not a net, the other one.
That’s a pole. Polio is a porridge-like dish made from maize. Not grits, the other one.
I’m pretty sure you’re thinking of polenta. Polio was a French mathematician from the late 1800s.
You’ve never been to Alabama, have you?
True. You’ve never been to South Jutland, have you?
Do they play polio there?
They do, actually. The water variety. Don’t get any of it in your mouth, though. How may get the runs.
No, but once a year they do that thing where they try to hit a suspended ring with a stick from horseback. Like the training montage of A Knight’s Tale.
Seems like the sort of thing that would leave some people parallelized.
It’s not like they just let everyone have a tilt lol. Like polo, people with the proper training do it as a traditional entertaining of the masses 😄
I hope reincarnation turns out to be real, just so RFK can end up as a child with polio.
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Good thing I’m vaccinated, have no kids, and have become a paranoid shut-in.
a paranoid shut-in.
This is the way. All the bad things are outside.
I know, right?
We have a friend whose family recently all got cholera. Not joking, this literally happened this year. They caught it from swimming on the beach in Galveston.
I’ve been to Galveston. This tracks.
It’s cool, I’ve got 4 x yokes and an axle; and I’ve got a good feeling about Odell Lake! Heard some ospreys have been seen about, but I’m not worried.
Feel free to ford any rivers you come across. That never ends poorly.
Too glad I’m not an American lol
Iron lungs? That’s a great way to keep Pennsylvania.