Manuals are definitely niche now and mainly in sporty cars (Civic SI, Type R, BRZ, Supra, etc).
Manuals are definitely niche now and mainly in sporty cars (Civic SI, Type R, BRZ, Supra, etc).
The existence of one doesn’t preclude the existence of the other.
Great recommendations today. I like the vibe.
Thank you to the EU for standing up for Americans.
Feel free to ford any rivers you come across. That never ends poorly.
Was he pied by Bernie Sanders?
Thanks for clearing that up! Hilarious it is!
Can’t tell if it’s satire or not, so I’m vascilating between hilarious and terrifying. Hilarifying, if you will. Terrarious if you’re adventurous.
Oof! Even worse than I guessed.
I’ve seen people comparing the DOJ response to Luigi Mangioni and Kyle Shittenhouse. The fact that Rittenhouse is free should tell you everything you need to know.
You drive sitting backwards?
That’s because their Orange Messiah has promised to ban video games as part of Project 2025.
Hey pal, I don’t know what you’re trying to say, but I take exception to the way you said it. Has anyone seen my keys?
Thanks for the recommendation! Plini vibes
They don’t want to stop kids having sex. They want to stop them having safe sex. More stupid consumers to buy stuff. More child labor. They’re trying to kill public education, public health (ACA), and other social benefit programs. They want us stupid and dependant on the wealthy for absolutely everything.
Jesus fucking Christ…
It’s an old reference but it checks out
Hey check out this “both sides bad” centrism over here.
I mean you have to take their words seriously because they tell you what they’re going to do. Or at the very least what they want to do.