Yeah but the she-devil Kamala supports post-birth abortions.
- a family member
they don’t even fucking know what abortion means.
I wish this was an exaggeration
yeah, i mean it’s obvious because they keep saying aborting babies which semantically don’t make sense. abortion refers to aborting the pregnancy. post-birth abortion is an oxymoron because there is no pregnancy post-birth.
Right. They’re willing to believe doctors are slitting infants’ throats in order to justify their worldview. They don’t even question if that’s happening. A long time ago some woman on Facebook told me some absurd number of abortions that were happening every year. When I did the math, I found that if her number was true, that would mean literally on average, 40% of every woman on the planet capable of being pregnant was getting pregnant AND having an abortion. Every fucking year.
When I pointed that out to her, she basically shrugged and reiterated that it didn’t matter about specifics, so many children were being murdered that it had to be the top priority to stop it.
How the fuck do you talk sense into someone willing to believe something absurd and then when basic math illustrates that the belief is absurd, they couldn’t care less?
You can’t logic people out of an opinion they didn’t logic themselves into, or however that saying goes. these women will get their own abortion when they need it and still spit on the doctor and call the other patients whores literally on their way out of the clinic.
Yeah, I guess I was naive. I didn’t expect this woman to change her whole view on the spot. But I just found it stunning that she could know she was spreading an absolute lie without a doubt and be completely unfazed
You don’t. You can’t out-crazy them with logic. It’s a fruitless endeavor.
“She can’t even string a sentence together”, said after her town hall late in the campaign.
It’s like they never fucking listened to a single Trump rally.
Say what you will about Trump he can definitely string a sentence together, hell he can’t help himself from stringing 20 into one.
Oh ya, they call that the"weaving" effect, as if it’s some sort of special talent just for him. He can masterfully start talking, go off on twenty different subjects, and have them all flow together perfectly in his conclusion.
Sure, this can be done. Not by him.
Yeah that’s not a special talent, that’s something people with adhd have to learn not to do
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Exactly, when I can do it I can’t drive safely or pay attention
My Catholic-ass mom reads a Catholic-ass newspaper and recently told me with complete confidence that Hillary Clinton was the “partial-birth abortion queen”. How do you even have a conversation with someone who’s ingested so much propaganda?
Gift them a birthing bed with a built in guillotine?
Jokes aside, this is why we should bring back fire bombs.
I too support post birth abortions of healthcare CEOs
Wouldn’t opposing post-birth abortions mean more gun control?
Obama won his senate seat because his opponent had an affair. Everyone said he was too young, but then he went on to beat Hillary and McCain.
Bill Clinton won the democratic primary because everyone thought Heart was going to win, then HE had an affair. Everyone said he was too young, but then he went on to beat Bush.
Al Gore, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden won their primary because “IT WAS THEIR TURN”. Biden only won because Republican rigged it to suppress mail in voting, but that suppressed the wrong group in the wake of COVID. I think we all have our theories on Harris. My point: I think it is time for someone that isn’t “THEIR TURN” to become our next nominee.
Biden won the highest turnout election in more than a century, and Al Gore’s win was stolen by the Bush clique. This is gross reframing or even reimagining of events to suit your narrative.
Al Gore is not like the others. Yes you might say he became the nominee because it was his turn. But, he also had extremely good policy ideas that were very different from “not being Trump “.
And he won both the popular and electoral votes
All of this is just a distraction anyway. It’s rich vs poor always has been. We have a huge group of people that should really be allies but are brainwashed against their own interests. It’s easy to say they’re on the wrong side but we should really be looking to mend the divide in ways that we can rather than further it by stating how morally superior we are.
This rich vs. poor thing would be a hell of a lot more believable if there weren’t so many poor people who were gigantic fucking bigots.
How do you mend a divide between people who exist and people who hate their existence?
by attacking the media structures and funding that manipulate them. (this is not a fix all solution. obviously. but it is taking action against the most materially funded arm of the propagation of conservative values. i hope it can be one of many tools leftists use to push for justice and dignity.)
Their parents manipulate them.
The “media structures” aren’t the ones telling them to yell the F- word at queer people or just straight up murder them.
in a crazy twist, both parents and conservative media exist. and what world do you live in? i see conservative media call for homophobia and homophobic violence all the fucking time.
And those parents would still exist regardless.
More to the point, these bigots exist right now.
You want queer people and people of color to make up with people who would literally kill them because they’re both not rich. Do you think that’s what those bigots want? Do you think if a queer couple went over to some violent queerphobe’s home in a trailer park with a bouquet of flowers it would go well for them?
Do you know how many queer people are murdered in the U.S. every year? Here’s a link to the 2024 list.
It’s not the billionaires doing the murdering.
I offered a systemic solution to one element of a systemic problem and now you are getting angry at me that my single-faceted solution doesn’t cover every minute facet of social change. I am sorry that you cannot accept a single marginal suggestion without going into full on rage mode. Ending the conversation here.
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Do you think it’s a coincidence our media is full of low quality “Woke Shit” that pretends to be progressive but is just the “Worst of Rainbow Capitalism”
That was those bastards manufacturing consent. “Sorry guys, we have to censor your media the gays made us do it!”
Do you really think bigots would somehow disappear if the media disappeared?
Bigotry has existed since the first proto-hominid caved in the head of the other proto-hominid on the other side of the hill because his fur was a different shade of brown.
There’s not some magical point where everyone will live in harmony and unite against the rich.
Nope, but it wouldn’t be at THIS level. We somehow went from “Mainstream Trans Acceptance” to “Democrats thirst for Transblood because it’s THEIR fault Trump won! Because they were playing women’s sports while diddling people in the bathroom!” over-fucking-night.
When did we have mainstream trans acceptance? I’d love to hear about that utopian era.
Of course rich folk will look for allies among poor folk. Play off the people against each other. This strategy is centuries old … no wait, millennia old.
You don’t mend a divide. That’s pointing to the divide as the problem, when the real problem is discrimination.
No, the real problem is hatred. Bigots hate the people they are bigoted against. That is not a rich vs. poor thing. I’ve gotten attacked by more than one poor bigot. Plenty of people from minority communities have.
This whole idea where everyone but the rich will get together and sing kumbaya and then win the class war and create a utopia is ridiculously naive and, as far as I can think, only comes from people who have never had a bigot get into their face and hate them because of who they are.
Agreed. It’s uncanny how no news source wants to call out the class divide and instead focuses on the partisan divide
It’s not that strange when you consider they are a major tool in the class war. We do still have elections, and so whoever the ownership class can’t buy they need to have their outlets convince us not to vote for.
There is no “unbiased” media when it’s corporate media.
When they stop trying to hurt my friends, I’ll be the first to present an olive branch. Yes, we should create class solidarity, but you can educate the willfully ignorant.
Sadly, a lot of them voted for Trump because they think he’s going to “fix it”. The sad thing is they just trust him to figure it out once in office.
Well according to Americans a guy with “concepts of a plan” is apparently more qualified than any woman ever, that’s what I learned from 2016 and 2024…
This is maybe oversimplifying things, however - I will never fully understand how somebody hears a candidate talk only about who they will hurt first, while their opposition talks about how to help the most people…and the guy who wants to increase the human suffering wins.
I mean, logically, yeah I guess I can understand. But at the same time, I will never get it. :P
Nah I think a lot of people would also be gloating, like obviously fuck trump, Kamala would have been better, they’d be gloating too
Only reason Kamala was better is the simple fact she isn’t actively trying to overthrow the government
The only?
Not being literally perfect makes you the worst possible option to many leftists
Any continuation of Biden like policies is actually pretty damn good.
In comparison, maybe.
No it’s pretty good. Green energy, non competes being banned, student loan forgiveness, etc. As always Dems don’t get the credit.
Just like I said elsewhere; if it’s not literally perfect, it’s just not good enough.
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This is literally provably false. Biden, for all his faults, pushed through a student loan cancelation program.
It was blocked by the Trump controlled Supreme Court.
Elections matter. If Trump didn’t put 3 Supreme Court justices in place to block it people would be better off.
Don’t both sides this. It might make you feel smart but it results in harm.
There’s an argument to be made that Biden only pushed that stuff through knowing it’d get blocked. Long time tactic by politicians to introduce big things to look good when they know it’ll fail, yet it’s rarely introduced during times when they had full control.
I mean you can make an argument, but I think the burden of proof would be on you there.
The last time the Dems had control they passed the ACA.
Ooh the ACA!
You mean that Heritage Foundation created Healthcare band-aid that was originally implemented by a Republican governor that bent over backwards to further enshrine for profit private insurers, like United Healthcare, in our perverse deathcare system where the primary issue was the profit motive making American Healthcare unsustainably expensive with the some of the poorest results in the developed world because greed?
That plan Obama instutituted after the people screamed “Please help us supposedly leftwing Obama from this for profit healthcare hellscape! Here have a super majority!”
👏Yeah, that worked a treat, Americans are really satisfied with their healthcare now.
Now go ahead and tell me about how they couldn’t whip Joe Manchin into shape so it’s all they could do, because there’s always an excuse. Decade after decade passes, and the people are told they just need to be more patient. Maybe they’ll decide to make an equitable economy and non-exploitative Healthcare in a few thousand years.
Good fucking grift, by both parties. Left and right since Reagan have been little more than a sideshow to distract from class occupation, class subjugation, and class slaughter for profit.
I vote blue out of the tiniest of harm reduction, not hope, because rainbow ribbons are preferable to kids in cages in this dystopia, but don’t kid yourself on their social issue bickering, they take the same orders from the same bribers on the economy.
We don’t get a vote that would cost the owners significant blood money. They own this fucking place, and all of us.
because rainbow ribbons are preferable to kids in cages in this dystopia
Btw, I’d just like to drop a friendly reminder that those camps with the kids in cages started under Obama, continued under Trump (duh), and continued under Biden and in fact ramped up, not down, and they’ll continue under trump again, I’m guessing, and whoever is after that too, so idk about the “preferable to,” seems more like “kids in rainbow painted cages.”
Fair point.
What’s the problem you seem to have with gay rights here? Going out of your way to label that one party is supporting “rainbow ribbons” seems a little iffy considering all the trans people that are about to get systemically targeted by the right-wing that won an election basically on a smear campaign against us.
I’m saying rainbow ribbons don’t feed the homeless trans person dying in the gutter on the street.
I’m saying it’s a feel good thing that doesn’t materially help them or anyone that needs material help to continue to be alive. Oh, you’re starving to death? Well here, I’ll affirm your identity and not feed you.
How about giving those trans people universal Healthcare without private insurers denying their claims for profit? Nope. Here’s a rainbow ribbon though, because that won’t piss off my wealthy bribers.
Acknowledging anyone as they wish to be acknowledged is just basic decency and courtesy. Help your fucking Contituents in a material way is what I’m saying.
The fact that you frame “affirming your identity” as such a pathetic offering shows how little you think of LGBT folks in this context tbh.
Look, I get the anger, but keep your sentiment pointed in a way that doesn’t imply that gay people are the enemy soaking up valuable time and resources, or at least listen to us when we say we’re uncomfortable with you painting the symbols of our self-determination as cheap tokens to be eschewed from leftism if it wants to help people.
The rainbows aren’t hurting anyone.
You write a lot of stuff that I don’t think is relevant here. I’ll just say that while the ACA was problematic (ie the public option was stripped out) it did meaningfully improve people’s lives.
Before the ACA pre existing conditions exemptions were a thing. If you find out that you have cancer you suddenly can not switch health insurance providers because they would say that your cancer was pre existing condition that would be excluded.
When your health insurance is tired to your job this results in literal work here or die of cancer entrapments.
That and things like mandatory mental health coverage are some of the things that improved peoples lives.
If you are too young to remember the situation with healthcare in the USA before the ACA that’s fine. But the ACA was a godsend for people. It’s not perfect but it undeniably helped the most vulnerable people.
This is a long post and I’m not going to read it
I’m sorry for using so many words.
Edit: they changed the above post to no longer have this quote.
It’s ok. And yah. I ended up changing it to be more relevant.
This is literally provably false. Biden, for all his faults, pushed through a student loan cancelation program.
It was blocked by the Trump controlled Supreme Court.
You might be privileged or young enough where you didn’t have to think about it but yah. You could literally sign up. The program was up and running. Many of my friends signed up and were happy and excited.
Only after it was up and running was it shut down. So yah. Biden did push it through. And yah. The Trump Supreme Court did stop it.
And the end result is it didn’t happen, so how is he wrong that it won’t happen? Supreme Court hasn’t changed.
Because Justices will get old and die. Or they’ll retire and be replaced by someone younger. If it’s a Democrat in the White House, when that happens, we get to push the court leftward. If it’s a Republican, it goes rightward. Thomas and Alito retiring and being replaced by someone 30 years younger solidifies a right-wing majority for decades.
Hey check out this “both sides bad” centrism over here.
If the Democrat party is the best we can come up with barring some gasoline, they deserve to lie the same pile as the conservatives when the bodies start piling up.
They serve themselves, and on many occasions step aside to let fascism do its thing. Controlled opposition. You all just eat it up.
The spineless Democratic party. Let chaos reign.
Reminder. He pardoned his drug addict son, and you’re going to starve to death.
Exactly. “My nepo failson” was the issue he was willing to defy norms and undercut institutions for, feeding directly into Trumps line that the justice department has been politicized in prosecutions. He didn’t cross that line for;
- Palestine
- Student loan forgiveness
- Budget negotiations/default
- Supreme Court expansion
- Judicial reform/integrity
- Corporate greed excess leading to toxic rail spills or children working in slaughterhouses
The Republicans fight hard and dirty, playing from all angles and he slid backs and took it from them on multiple fronts. Sinema/Manchin holding up a vote? Trump has all his toadies marching to the same music, why can’t we? Tuberville playing obstruction in the Senate? It’s called the bully pulpit for a reason, whilst the president has no actual legislative power he can put a Senator under the microscope if he desired. Biden had no sustained fight in him
Lol except the dems literally gave the ACA and student debt forgiveness. Want more? Then give them more victories. They need all 3 house of representatives, Senate, and presidency to pass things and they’ve had that for only 6 years of the last 44 years.
The heritage foundation made the ACA for mitt Romney when he was governor of mass. It’s a right wing piece of legislation that was a handout to insurance companies and not universal healthcare.
Student debt? They forgave what, 1% of the absolute worst loans from schools that no longer exist and were committing fraud? Or are you talking about the forgiveness program that denies 99% of applicants?
Want more? Then give them more victories. They need all 3 house of representatives, Senate, and presidency to pass things and they’ve had that for only 6 years of the last 44 years.
And so what’s his name can’t water it down. *Lieberman.
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There’s ALWAYS a spoiler.
Hmmmmmmmmmm how about trying? Nahhhhh you don’t wanna, you just want to say “Dems bad”.
Not to mention this gap in logic. If it was a real spoiler, what would have happened? It wouldn’t have passed at all. But it did, watered down. So not a spoiler, pretty much by definition. It’s a watering down, by definition.
And there wasn’t a spoiler at all for debt forgiveness. It was a packed court. So how about voting so that the GOP can’t pack the court? Another gap in logic.
And all the things that DID pass lol. Green energy, EVs, CHIPS, PACT, etc, etc, etc. No spoiler there. Another gap in logic.
Oh great, a health insurance bill that doesn’t do shit except charge insane premiums and not provide healthcare. And a handout to insurance companies. Great job democrats. Your easily fooled rubes of the blue MAGA persuasion think you’re the best thing since sliced bread…
And we’re back to:
Want more? Then give them more victories. They need all 3 house of representatives, Senate, and presidency to pass things and they’ve had that for only 6 years of the last 44 years.
And so what’s his name can’t water it down. *Lieberman.
Taking a look at your profile, yikes. I have no idea how you aren’t banned yet. Ciao.
Student loans forgiven: $175 Billion
Student loans that would have been forgiven without R fuckery: $430 Billion
Total federal student loan debt: $1.6 Trillion
Nah Lemmy would be bitching about Biden not cancelling student loan debt despite Trump judges being the ones blocking it.
“Status quo” wasn’t enough to get people off their asses. Well, we’re about to see the opposite of that. Congrats.
Biden gave it a shot, got stymied, and walked away. Hey, a weak attempt is better than nothing, but we sure would have liked to see him try harder. I don’t blame him for failing, but he certainly didn’t give it his all.
Walked away? He tried multiple angles to get at the same end goal, most of which are/were held up in court.
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I remember people being happy that everyone got “Obamacare” and everyone includes republicans.
I haven’t seen any suggested policies that said “everyone but republicans should get …”. But there were a few about e.g. giving children “free” lunch in school to ensure children have at least 1 meal per day. No one wanted to check if the parent of the child is a republican or if the child was. In fact, when the program was running for a little while, every child got their “free” meal.
Yes, people celebrated that republican got healthcare because that is what everyone means. Republicans are part of everyone.
…Celebrating everyone getting it, is not the same as celebrating Republicans getting it.
What kind of weird mental gymnastics is that?
Do you think people don’t know that republicans are included in “everyone”?
So, just to be clear, if you would celebrate your child amazing school report, you aren’t celebrating their A in math? Because you are celebrating the school report and not the math grade?
No no no, you see deceit chum superior, other bad.
What kind of mental spelunking is that?
Because there is a difference between a blanket celebration that includes everyone, and specifically celebrating one group.
Ofc, there is a difference. But that difference is not in where you think it is.
If you celebrate it for everyone, you celebrate that for every individual. You don’t create a group in your head. If you would celebrate it for republicans, you would create a group in your head and it would be less about the individual. But importantly, republicans are individuals and the celebration for everyone includes those individuals. The coverage for republicans would be as much celebrated as the coverage for potato farmers. But I don’t think anyone would be insisting that democrats didn’t celebrate that potato farmers get aca, outside of silly linguistical reasons.
Put the shovel down.
Take a breather.
You don’t always make sense, but you’re always antagonistic af
The point is this situation would not have happened. It was made out to stoke their ego. It’s cope.
And good, angry gets shit done.
Lol you think being intentionally shitty to people who mostly align with you politically is a public service. Now I’ve heard it all.
I don’t consider you aligned with me at all.
I’m totally SHOCKED you would say that. And that you don’t know a single fucking thing about my views. Shocked! Now, back to your one man circle jerk paying tribute to how moral you are
I went through your post history, it was telling enough.
Also it’s really ironic that you called me antagonistic after looking at that.
Also it’s pretty dense you thought I was talking about me. I’m saying you came in this thread to shit on people who hypothetically disagree with you 10% and then you said it was helpful lol
Yeah I don’t care. I might antagonize assholes, and I have no problem with it
I’d rather not have to celebrate basic human items like healthcare than someone celebrating killing anyone not like them (trans, gay, had abortion, not white male).
in other words, FUCK OFF.
What are you even on about?
No one here is celebrating killing trans, gay, had abortion, or not white male peoples.
crazy ass republicans are.
Your body, my choice.
I mean, people quite obviously are.
TIL Nick Fuentes is a
Believe it or not some people celebrate society moving forward for everyone.
I mean not to feed into the us vs. them mentality, but… it’s kind of obvious we’re better than them on a spiritual level at this point…
they would be celebrating the money
money makes humans forget about humanity
a nation of killers might be the one thing worse than a nation of slavers though they tend to work together
Who is this referring to, both those being killed and those celebrating it?
Liberals and fascists.
Fascist are celebrating how many liberals they’ll get to kill? What’s that referring to?
I was wondering that too. Not arguing or denying, just not sure what they’re referring to.
Trump and his stated goals of ushering in American fascism.
Did they come out with a plan to kill people or what’s this more specifically about?
Are you serious? Do you listen to what maga Republicans say? Musk saying “it’s a battle to the death with the woke mind virus”, trump wanting to put Liz Cheny in front of a firing squad, it goes on and on. And since I doubt you’re asking this in good faith, but for anyone else reading, here’s one of the most conservative writers out there talking about maga violence.
Do you listen to what maga Republicans say?
Not really?
And since I doubt you’re asking this in good faith
Why? Should we all just know these things without asking or what?
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What a stupid thing to type.
The brainwashing is real
I just think it’s amusing how many aggressively stupid people are openly vegan.
Oh ok. I guess if that’s your experience. It just seemed like a weird thing to bring up on a completely unrelated topic. It gave me the impression that you combed through this person’s post history and used it as an opportunity to bash vegans for no reason other than personal grievance.
Yeah that’s a completely fair impression.
No, I looked at their profile to just see what I could see. I didn’t look very far until I found a comment wherein they were discussing dealing with “carnists” in that ‘holier-than-thou’ tone vegans tend to adopt.
To be fair, I should not judge all vegans based on the idiots.
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