Uncle in therapy for second nervous breakdown. Therapist tells aunt that hell be a dead weight aroind her neck. Tells him to go fishing - he hates fishing. This was a recommended therapist from a good GP.
Another family member with past addiction and suicide attempts went to a different GP seeking therapy. Was told by the GP humans have been to the moon and can do anything so stop being so depressed. Wtf does that even mean.
Uncle in therapy for second nervous breakdown. Therapist tells aunt that hell be a dead weight aroind her neck. Tells him to go fishing - he hates fishing. This was a recommended therapist from a good GP.
Another family member with past addiction and suicide attempts went to a different GP seeking therapy. Was told by the GP humans have been to the moon and can do anything so stop being so depressed. Wtf does that even mean.
Shitty people are in every profession.
Some doctors go to school for 20 years only to say the dumbest shit
Q: What do you call a doctor that cheated and manipulated their way through medical school and their residency?
A: Doctor.
Some doctors chose the profession to get laid and make money. Not the greatest motivators for being a good human in some cases.
“Nelson Mandela stopped racism in South Africa decades ago, so cheer up!”