Author: Unknown
Published on: 06/01/2025 | 00:00:00
AI Summary:
Nicolas Sarkozy is facing charges of passive corruption, illegal campaign financing, concealing embezzlement, and criminal association. The so-called “Libyan case,” the biggest and possibly most shocking of several scandals involving the former president, is scheduled to run until April 10. Sarkozy was one of the first Western leaders to push for military intervention in Libya in March 2011. Gaddafi was killed by opposition fighters in October that same year. The next year, French online news site Mediapart published a document said to be a note from the Libyan secret services. Libanese businessman Ziad Takieddine is accused of acting as an intermediary. The case also involves Gaddafi’s former chief of staff and treasurer Bashir Saleh. Other defendants include two Saudi billionaires and a former Airbus executive.
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