The Vietnamese and Afghans sure did a good job fighting against the US military with small arms and guerilla tactics. Don’t expect that the US military is invincible.
The US fighting at home is not a benefit to the US its a benefit for the gurellia fighters. The guy who flys the drones or drives the tanks has to live here, so does their family. This is always what civil uprising looks like as well as why its a last resort.
Do you guys think the US military would, by and large, turn its guns inward on US soil?
Personally I’m a bit skeptical—they’re our brothers and sisters after all. I think a good 60% of the military would quit if they were asked to fire on US citizens.
Even if it was a civil war roughly along party lines and no military quit on either side, the distribution of of military seems like it would be closer to a 60/40 or a 50/50 distribution than it would be 100% of the military on the conservative side vs a civilian army on the other.
America has already used its military to kill students protesting at university in the past. Everyday it has “police” that regularly devalue the lives of citizens and murder them abruptly and without punishment.
Add to that so many on the right would take absolute glee in the killings.
The Vietnamese and Afghans sure did a good job fighting against the US military with small arms and guerilla tactics. Don’t expect that the US military is invincible.
They were also fighting the US outside of its home soil, where there was no risk of America falling to the enemy.
They certainly did not face the full force of the US military.
Still Syria shows it can be done. But it’s not easy.
The US fighting at home is not a benefit to the US its a benefit for the gurellia fighters. The guy who flys the drones or drives the tanks has to live here, so does their family. This is always what civil uprising looks like as well as why its a last resort.
The full force of the military like nuke bombs and aircraft carriers?
Do you guys think the US military would, by and large, turn its guns inward on US soil?
Personally I’m a bit skeptical—they’re our brothers and sisters after all. I think a good 60% of the military would quit if they were asked to fire on US citizens.
Even if it was a civil war roughly along party lines and no military quit on either side, the distribution of of military seems like it would be closer to a 60/40 or a 50/50 distribution than it would be 100% of the military on the conservative side vs a civilian army on the other.
Military by state
Yes, 100%.
America has already used its military to kill students protesting at university in the past. Everyday it has “police” that regularly devalue the lives of citizens and murder them abruptly and without punishment.
Add to that so many on the right would take absolute glee in the killings.
Neither will the people in the US. That’s how civil wars work - half the military might just decide to join the other side.
The Vietnamese had a fuck lot more than small arms. They had all sorts of modern Soviet weapons, including Soviet jets with Soviet pilots.
You’re thinking of the Korean War. The best pilots the Vietnamese had was Vietnamese - and they were damn good, too.