The Duff CEO with a Windows-Logo on his forehead: “Gamers use Windows because of its’ user experience not our de facto monopoly.”
Next Image: Duff CEO with Windows-Logo in front of a “Out of Business” sign. Subtitle: “30 minutes after SteamOS is released”
Edit: Yo, I’m not saying this is gonna happen. I just want to say that Windew’s UX sucks ass.
Here’s the news you missed:
I saw that after my first comment, I’m still not really sure how this is supposed to mean the death of Windows. Another mobile PC device running SteamOS isn’t going to disrupt Window’s position (though it is of course nice to see more handhelds on the market running the OS), and Valve saying they’ll soon release a user-installable beta is nowhere near what some are making it out to be. People are acting like they just released a stable Linux distro meant to replace your main OS; the news is exciting, but it’s not the death of Windows, at least not for a long while.
No one said it’ll be the death of windows altogether, the meme and comments are saying it may be the death of windows for dedicated gaming rigs (meaning handheld pc gaming devices and dedicated desktop gaming pcs)