Twenty-nine percent of non-voters who supported Biden in 2020 said U.S. support for the genocide was the top reason they sat the 2024 election, according to a survey by YouGov.
Imagine throwing an election because you love genocide too much.
It’s amazing that she was in bed with Israel according to pro Palestinians and in bed with Hamas according to pro Israeli.
We all have been played through social media algorithms, and it didn’t really matter what stance she had or would have.
Disinformation was so amazingly orchestrated that people on both sides of any issue hated her.
I don’t like shitty conspiracies but this really felt like they were working really hard to try to lose the election.
No, I really thought trump was trying to lose. Saying people in ohio eat cats and dogs, and he has no plan, just concepts of a plan. I really thought he was throwing the election.
I made one mistake. I forgot that this country is full of morons.
I wanted to bet on a Trump win so bad on the premise that Americans are not to be trusted ever, but couldn’t quite stoop to it.
I thing Trump was trying to loose and his handlers were trying their best to stop him.
I made one mistake.
well, then all this is your fault because you were told MANY times to, “make no mistake”.
Everyone, I found out the person to blame for the election results, its this effin guy right here.
Aw shucks…
I think the guys at TLDR news said it best: if Trump threatening to withhold aid was enough to get a cease-fire deal, then Biden HAD enough leverage this whole time to get one. He just DIDN’T USE IT.
If this poll is to be believed (which is a big if), Biden and Harris let a fascist back into the whitehouse because they didn’t want to stop a genocide.
Not only did he have the option, he was advised by White House counsel that continuing to arm the genocide was a violation of domestic & international law. He did it anyway.
So fucking idiots were idiots, as usual. And they believe they’re somehow morally superior while handing Gaza over to Israel in the process. As if Trump and the Republican party was the better option, they care even less about Gaza than the Biden admin.
This is why the Dems and progressive both keep losing everything, too many dumb fucks that think they’re making a difference while just making things worse with inaction.
Maybe if Democrats stop taking entire demographics for granted without providing them with anything, they’d win more.
Demos like the “won’t support any genocide” demo.
You know, while I am a fan of choosing the lesser evil, when the “lesser evil” is genocide, maybe it is time to re-consider the approach.
Their response was to avoid it, resulting in the worst option by default.
It was clear this would be the result. Choosing not to vote was the worst option to choose both objectively, and morally. And considering the entire supposed reasoning was moral, they failed spectacularly.
Choosing not to vote was the worst option to choose both objectively, and morally.
Strictly speaking, assuming Democrats care about winning elections, it is not true.
Sure, you get the worst option for one or two terms, but you would hopefully force the Democratic party to reform and stop supporting Genocides in the long term.
This is why I hate when people try to shift the blame on voters. This was 100% the Democrats election to loose, and they did.
You can’t really change the voters, so what is the point of complaining about them? You can change the party to allow it to win the next time. Blaming the voters is just distracting from that.
Impactful. Thanks 🙏🏻
Sure, you get the worst option for one or two terms, but you would hopefully force the Democratic party to reform and stop supporting Genocides in the long term.
I’m not entirely convinced that the USA still has terms.
If ye mean it as a meme, then yes, haha.
If you are actually worried, then don’t be. However much capitalists may suck, they won’t allow a dictator who could confiscate their wealth to take over. It’s against their own self-interest. And they have enough influence over media, politicians and probably some assassins to remove Trump if needed. That’s why communist democracies turn authoritarian pretty much on day one, while the very capitalistic ones tend to survive.
If Trump was actually smart and competent, maybe there would be a risk, but as is, I am not worried.
On the other hand, I bet they would love to have a dictator THEY can control. Trump is very easy to manipulate. It’s much cheaper to give Trump a bribe than to spend billions influencing the voters. Take Elon Musk, for example. He spent 44 billion dollars to control Twitter, and it didn’t even work right. The platform is dying. 44 billion to control the internet’s agora, and then he broke it with his incompetence. On the other hand, 277 million to buy Trump is a fantastic investment.
And it is infinitely safer to pay off the next president as well, then to remove the safeguards that protect them from government power.
No, if anything, I expect them using Trump to rig the next election even more, so they can control future puppet presidents even better. Not in obvious ways like ballot stuffing. But campaign donations, access to information, etc. And rotate the puppets out before they can get too powerful and dangerous.
The problem comes when you have to beat someone elses bribe. Good luck. In that sense a bribeable president is peak capitalism.
It’s doubtable this poll has uncovered something that countless other post-election polls have missed.
It’s more likely that the pollster is biased. This is the first sentence of About section of the pollster’s website: “Palestinians, like all people, are entitled to live in freedom and with their human rights respected. Yet, for too long, the US government has funded and enabled Israel’s denial of Palestinian human rights.”
Imagine thinking that Palestinians being human beings is indicative of a bias. Yikes…
Yes, it does smell of bias when we’re talking about statistics and polling. Why would you even mention all that in such a story? It should be a dry, here’s the facts kinda story.
“We believe $X and here’s the polling to prove it.”
The problem with that is that the actual polling questions did not indicate any such bias nor did they try to ask leading questions in the way that you’re implying.
News coverage always has a political viewpoint to express (including the “”“centrist”“” slop that often gets peddaled as “unbiased”), and so yeah, you’ll find such ““bias”” as maybe we shouldn’t be engaging in a horrific genocide from progressive news outlets. But the polling questions were pretty direct and clear in a non-leading way.
Do you [favor or oppose] the Biden administration approving taxpayer-funded weapons and other military support to Israel, even if the U.S. government has no control over whether the Israeli military uses those weapons on innocent civilians in Gaza, or are you undecided?
How much do you [agree or disagree] with the following statement: The $18 billion in weapons the U.S. provided to Israel over the last year, funded by taxpayer dollars, would be better spent lowering costs and supporting Americans dealing with inflation and struggling to afford basics like housing and healthcare.
These questions inform the participant of basic facts about the DNC’s strategy on Israel. So this survey provides a great look at what non-voters think of Harris when they’re informed about the issues. But it doesn’t actually tell us why they didn’t vote, because it doesn’t give us any information on how non-voters think when they’re uninformed. And many non-voters were uninformed. This would be an excellent survey in a perfect world where people understand the consequences of their decisions, and it’s a terrible survey in a world where people have no clue what their leaders are doing with their tax dollars.
But other polls have found similar results?
I dug into the survey and it appears they intentionally skewed the results by the word choice and order of the questions.
For example: “5. Do you [favor or oppose] the Biden administration approving taxpayer-funded weapons and other military support to Israel, even if the U.S. government has no control over whether the Israeli military uses those weapons on innocent civilians in Gaza, or are you undecided?”
The wording in that question will predispose a respondent to view the Biden administration negatively, even if that wasn’t the main reason that a respondent chose not to vote.
Worse, they asked that question before they asked about sitting out the election, predisposing the respondent to view that topic as more significant in their decision to sit out the election.
If the purpose of a poll was to figure out the reason for not voting, this is not a scientific way to do it. It predictably would skew results as it appears to have done.
Thanks for digging into it - yeah, that’s definitely not a neutral way to phrase things.
Made me look too! Holy shit those are loaded questions.
Trump isn’t pro Palestine. How on earth are people so dumb.
All Harris needed to do was change her position on that to win. How on earth was she so dumb?
How on earth do you think an american president will position themselves on Israël ever? There is zero chance one will go against, zero. And who ever believe Trump would not support Israël is delusional.
It really makes me wonder why on earth a democrat would ever not vote democrat in your current system. Sure she is far from ideal. But trump???
Its like the french not voting macron and letting lepen passs !
I know this has been debated in detail, and you probably understand this but dont agree with it, but to explain one more time, many people see a difference between personally acting in support of an immoral action in order to to game toward a better outcome as less desirable than not acting at all.
As an example: if the choice is for them to participate in murdering 10 people or murdering 100-- with no other option given, the only option for them is to sit down and not make either choice, and let the chips fall where they may. The difference for them lies in part to them having to actively participate in these murders. For christians, “thou shalt not kill” doesn’t have caveats. Many other religions and beliefs also have something similar.
You probably disagree and would say refusing to kill the 10 puts the blood of 90 on their hands, but their personal morality doesnt allow them to make that choice.
I do get your point.Hate them, call them stupid…dirty hippies… whatever. But there are enough of them on the dem side that the dems cant afford to ignore their votes.
I need to read the article, but I’m going in skeptically. I think progressives - especially younger, more idealistic ones - are ignorant of just how much money and influence AIPAC wields.
Maybe she could have gotten those 29% (however many actual votes that amounts to), but it AIPAC would have turned actively hostile against her, my guess is those votes would have been overshadowed by the loss of pro-Israel votes she did get.
I think centrists - especially older more cynical ones who are less idealistic and more transactional in their politics in a selfish way are ignorant of how being too afraid to fight, or to have solidarity, or to draw red lines in the sand about GENOCIDE is the reason fascists took power.
Young, idealistic progressives who are willing to actually fight to defend what they love are our only hope and if you are an older jaded centrist, keep your mouth shut and listen, you have a lot to unlearn and not much time left to do it before the violence y’all helped normalize consumes us all.