Dude… calm down. We all understand that the things make sense in-universe. We’re also able, however, to take a joke. To the layperson its easy to misunderstand and even to some veteran Trekkies it doesn’t always make sense. That’s where humor comes from. It’s the same thing with Worf having his ass kicked jokes or jokes about Data misunderstanding something. I’m not a huge fan of jokes about the Spore Drive and how people don’t understand that but I also understand that they’re just that. Jokes.
You really need to be able to parse the difference between legitimate complaint and humor. That or at least take a step back so you don’t get so worked up about it. Especially when this is on the Risa community…
Oh I love it. Especially the animation of the Voyager spore-jumping and just the super anti-climax. Also, arguably, that’s still a better final shot than what we got in Endgame. Not landing on Earth? Fuck off.
I guess it’s better to say that I love the jokes like that but dislike some of the malice that comes behind some of the jokes, if that makes sense. Like for a while before the DSC S2 Finale, people were really riding that “Well why didn’t Voyager jump back?” thing and some of the jokes were either based around a misunderstanding or outright hatred. If that makes sense. Don’t wanna seem like I’m coming off like a crybaby because people are making fun of a show that I like. It’s just hard to explain. I ain’t good with dem der words.
Christ, don’t remind me. I’m only 31 but I have pretty vivid recollection of the Prequels release. When I was starting to realize I was gay (around 11-12ish) that homophobia around Jar Jar was extremely loud. It’s no surprise why both Star Trek and Will & Grace became my safe havens on TV. Also no surprise why I fucking immediately latched onto Stamets. From the second he appeared on screen I related to him. The moment we found out he was gay? I was floored. He had been on screen for like two episodes, been in a scene with his husband, and was never mentioned. No one made a deal out of it because it didn’t matter. Because it doesn’t matter. But my god the hatred that spunout around him was over the top. A lot of the “Oh well why is he gay? Why does that matter? They’re shoving it down our throats” garbage but then the utterly fucking insane take of ‘Star Trek is woke now’ as if it hasn’t been ‘woke’ (whatever the fuck that means) since 1966.
Then Discovery had the audacity to include a non-binary character and a trans character as if they were, you ‘people who deserve dignity and love like anyone else’ and the same shit started up again. I am fucking tired bro.
However, my ADHD ass says as he goes off on another slight tangent, that is not the types of jokes that bother me the most. I’ve been stabbed for being gay so words/jokes don’t bug me as much as they used to. What gets on my tits in a huge way are the outright ignoring of shit in lore. Like people saying “Spock would NEVER hide the fact he doesn’t have a sister” as if he didn’t hide the fact he had a wife, his father was Sarek and that he had a fucking brother. Or the misunderstandings about how the Spore Drive work because they didn’t even take 5 seconds to read the opening paragraph on Memory Alpha.
I so get you about why Stamets mattered. He was a fun recurring guest character on Star Trek Online too and had lots of spoken dialogue with the usual “funny yet depressed” vibes.
What gets on my tits in a huge way are the outright ignoring of shit in lore.
I’m old enough that I still groan when I hear percolating returns of the “DAE KIRK KILLED OR FUCKED EVERYTHING THAT MOVED” ultra-Flanderization of decades past.
How much actual Those Old Scientists did those people watch? It’s hard for me to think of a single Klingon that Kirk actually killed with direct action on-screen in the original show, for example.
It’s interesting because it kind of highlights how a lot people perceive Star Trek technobabble (or at least, the pop-cultural understanding they have of it) as being incoherent nonsense when a lot of the shows have put in a lot of effort into making it not that. One of the most annoying things about the newer Treks is that apparently the writers at CBS started believing it too, causing them to take less care with technobabble in those shows and actually writing a bunch of nonsense.
I’m thinking of Picard being a cyborg now (before everybody just agreed not to talk about it), but I’d have to rewatch disco to get a more specific example and I’m not doing that. It’s a feeling I have that I admittedly could be off base on.
First off, a massive portion of Season 3 of Picard revolves around the fact that Picard is a cyborg. So I’m not entirely sure where that “before everybody just agreed not to talk about it” bit comes from. There’s even a reference to him having a synthetic body in Discovery Season 4.
Second, I’ve asked that question of everyone who says that the treknobabble in ‘NuTrek’ doesn’t make sense. No one has ever been able to give me any answer on that at all. A considerable portion of complaints about Discovery, as an example, are wildly unfounded. The ‘it breaks lore/retcons’ complaint is another. There is nothing that I can find that outright breaks lore. Either it’s a misunderstanding, due to it being a visual reboot, or was set up previously by Enterprise.
deleted by creator
Dude… calm down. We all understand that the things make sense in-universe. We’re also able, however, to take a joke. To the layperson its easy to misunderstand and even to some veteran Trekkies it doesn’t always make sense. That’s where humor comes from. It’s the same thing with Worf having his ass kicked jokes or jokes about Data misunderstanding something. I’m not a huge fan of jokes about the Spore Drive and how people don’t understand that but I also understand that they’re just that. Jokes.
You really need to be able to parse the difference between legitimate complaint and humor. That or at least take a step back so you don’t get so worked up about it. Especially when this is on the Risa community…
Yeah, that had big “actually the transporter can do basically anything and could and should win every battle” nerding out energy.
For real. If someone wants to have a serious discussion about stuff, that’s perfectly fine. But dude came in hot with phasers set to angy.
You might like this, then. Or hate it.
Oh I love it. Especially the animation of the Voyager spore-jumping and just the super anti-climax. Also, arguably, that’s still a better final shot than what we got in Endgame. Not landing on Earth? Fuck off.
I guess it’s better to say that I love the jokes like that but dislike some of the malice that comes behind some of the jokes, if that makes sense. Like for a while before the DSC S2 Finale, people were really riding that “Well why didn’t Voyager jump back?” thing and some of the jokes were either based around a misunderstanding or outright hatred. If that makes sense. Don’t wanna seem like I’m coming off like a crybaby because people are making fun of a show that I like. It’s just hard to explain. I ain’t good with dem der words.
Oh, I know it.
It felt like aftershocks of the staggering homophobic and racist rage inferno that broke out when Jar Jar Binks first came to theaters.
Christ, don’t remind me. I’m only 31 but I have pretty vivid recollection of the Prequels release. When I was starting to realize I was gay (around 11-12ish) that homophobia around Jar Jar was extremely loud. It’s no surprise why both Star Trek and Will & Grace became my safe havens on TV. Also no surprise why I fucking immediately latched onto Stamets. From the second he appeared on screen I related to him. The moment we found out he was gay? I was floored. He had been on screen for like two episodes, been in a scene with his husband, and was never mentioned. No one made a deal out of it because it didn’t matter. Because it doesn’t matter. But my god the hatred that spunout around him was over the top. A lot of the “Oh well why is he gay? Why does that matter? They’re shoving it down our throats” garbage but then the utterly fucking insane take of ‘Star Trek is woke now’ as if it hasn’t been ‘woke’ (whatever the fuck that means) since 1966.
Then Discovery had the audacity to include a non-binary character and a trans character as if they were, you ‘people who deserve dignity and love like anyone else’ and the same shit started up again. I am fucking tired bro.
However, my ADHD ass says as he goes off on another slight tangent, that is not the types of jokes that bother me the most. I’ve been stabbed for being gay so words/jokes don’t bug me as much as they used to. What gets on my tits in a huge way are the outright ignoring of shit in lore. Like people saying “Spock would NEVER hide the fact he doesn’t have a sister” as if he didn’t hide the fact he had a wife, his father was Sarek and that he had a fucking brother. Or the misunderstandings about how the Spore Drive work because they didn’t even take 5 seconds to read the opening paragraph on Memory Alpha.
Sorry. That was a ramble.
I so get you about why Stamets mattered. He was a fun recurring guest character on Star Trek Online too and had lots of spoken dialogue with the usual “funny yet depressed” vibes.
I’m old enough that I still groan when I hear percolating returns of the “DAE KIRK KILLED OR FUCKED EVERYTHING THAT MOVED” ultra-Flanderization
of decades past.
It never will end will it?
How much actual Those Old Scientists did those people watch? It’s hard for me to think of a single Klingon that Kirk actually killed with direct action on-screen in the original show, for example.
deleted by creator
Oh god. We have joke murderer.
deleted by creator
It’s interesting because it kind of highlights how a lot people perceive Star Trek technobabble (or at least, the pop-cultural understanding they have of it) as being incoherent nonsense when a lot of the shows have put in a lot of effort into making it not that. One of the most annoying things about the newer Treks is that apparently the writers at CBS started believing it too, causing them to take less care with technobabble in those shows and actually writing a bunch of nonsense.
Do you have any examples of the ‘actually writing a bunch of nonsense’? I can’t think of any off hand and I’m just curious.
I’m thinking of Picard being a cyborg now (before everybody just agreed not to talk about it), but I’d have to rewatch disco to get a more specific example and I’m not doing that. It’s a feeling I have that I admittedly could be off base on.
First off, a massive portion of Season 3 of Picard revolves around the fact that Picard is a cyborg. So I’m not entirely sure where that “before everybody just agreed not to talk about it” bit comes from. There’s even a reference to him having a synthetic body in Discovery Season 4.
Second, I’ve asked that question of everyone who says that the treknobabble in ‘NuTrek’ doesn’t make sense. No one has ever been able to give me any answer on that at all. A considerable portion of complaints about Discovery, as an example, are wildly unfounded. The ‘it breaks lore/retcons’ complaint is another. There is nothing that I can find that outright breaks lore. Either it’s a misunderstanding, due to it being a visual reboot, or was set up previously by Enterprise.