Credits go to @kmh for creating this style. It comes in both a light and dark version (check the links for usage instructions).
If you don’t want to fiddle with code and stuff, has already installed it server-wide*, and should be available straight away for new accounts (If not, go to Settings>Display>General Theme Settings and change it from there. Or follow the guide in any of the links above).
Edit: loma seems to require invites. But, while in german, allows you to join without an invite. It also has quite a bunch of add-ons too like bluesky, tumblr, ifttt, markdown, langfilter (filters the languages in posts/comments) and curweather (shows the current weather).
This awesome because users care about only one thing : no change, ever.
Looks promising! Giving Friendica an UI of this century
deleted by creator
The regular UI looks like out of the 10’s, maybe earlier. And god that default color scheme is awful.
The rounded corners on the “set title” input box (in contrast to the other input fields) bothers me more than it should…
@thebustinator Guess it’s the author is still working on it, polishing it out, but there’s a start
Now the hard part is to get Friendica to integrate it in its base code, and somehow prompt users upon sign-up to choose their user interface !
I understand though that friendica devs might be reluctant to integrate it if they can’t get assurances that this UI project will be maintained into the future.
@anticurrent Fortunately, Friendica is flexible enough. All servers can set a default theme, and much of what people dislike about Friendica can just be fixed by swapping the Frio theme (which is default to many of the servers) with this one. In fact, there’s already a server who did just that: is invite only btw
Just wish there was an iOS app…
The MAU is growing, it’s likely one developer will be inspired to make one.
There’s Relatica, it’s in active development, and it’s multiplatform including IOS, but it’s in beta right now
@Fitik @the_boxhead Yep. Look out for updates on Relatica if you’re on iOS
It’s compatible with the Mastodon API, so some of the apps work for it. I was talking to the developer of an iOS Mastodon the other day and they are off checking compatibility at the moment.
edit: I also started a thread on people’s experience with apps on !
yeah, that does resemble facebook alot. without the bloat, that is.
Wasn’t there a show with “bookface”? At first I was thinking the remake of Arrested Development, but that was Faceblock.
You might be thinking of “FriendFace” from IT Crowd, that was my initial thought when I saw this
Nah, I didn’t watch IT Crowd. Apparently there’s this but that’s not what I was thinking of either. Oh well.
@jaybone Lol!
On an episode of Castle, the daughter character was introducing the mother character to the internet, and the mother character says “I’ve now got a page on MyFace.”
Looks cool, but maybe not put (what could be easily seen as) a racist charicature as a top example.
@KurtVonnegut What do you mean?
Just don’t follow much on Friendica due to a lack of iOS app. And only had one for android. For it to really take off, we need app development as well. This is a great step though as an easy UI will promote use.
Yeah I would set it up for my family today if there was an iOS app. How many years has it been out and still no app?
@scrubbles What do you see as the advantages of an app over a web app?
Sorry very late to this, but for me I don’t care, I like PWAs and I put them as shortcuts on my phone. Trying to get friends and family over though that’s a huge leap, and requires a very gentle hand
Most people like to have the phone app for socials, makes it easy to browse or keep on top of posts more convenient. Honestly, I can’t really think of any social media platform that isn’t app based for this very reason. Goals for success: make it easy to use, engaging, and have an app with a good UI.
There’s an in-dev app called Relatica for iOS that you can get TestFlight access to. It’s quite good!
That’s great news! Will check it out.
This is honestly so nice, every “clone” should have a similar interface for ppl swapping to make it easier, I love customization and different interfaces but I was only able to transition to lemmy because of its similarities to reddit, specifically the third party apps has already installed it server-wide
I can’t see anything without an account and I can’t create an account without an invitation code.