The 23-year-old was hanging out the passenger window of 21-year-old John Hutcherson’s car when Hutcherson drove off the road and sideswiped a telephone pole support wire, decapitating him. Hutcherson continued the final 12 miles (19 km) to his Atlanta home, parked in the driveway, and went to bed. A neighbor found Brohm’s headless body in the truck the next morning
Ah, the makers of Hereditary (2018) must have got the idea from this event
There are a gaggle of teens that I have seen on more than one occasion driving in circles (not actual donuts thankfully) in the empty outer reaches of the Target parking lot, with one or more ppl sitting on the windowsills of their buddies’ trucks, legs inside, torso etc outside. In this specific spot they are not in danger of utility pole support wires, but if they are this stupid in the first place… I fear they may one day win stupid prizes.
Man, that list reads like the next Final Destination scripts.
Guess that’s another reason to hand wash your knives
Didn’t go through app the entire but I was surpass to find two incidents like this early in the article.
The saddest part about Steve Irwin’s death was that it was NOT a result of one of his many dangerous stunts with wild animals. Ironic, really.
This article always make my morbid-ass laugh whenever I remember it.
3 brothers drown in flooded basement
According to the victims’ elder brother, Erwin, who serves as caretaker of the building, Marlo – who lives with him – went missing at around 1 p.m. Wednesday while fixing a chicken coop at the dry portion of the basement. Thinking that Marlo could have slipped into the water, Edwin went underwater but failed to surface. Erwin said he called up Arnulfo from Imus, Cavite, who also dived into the water upon arriving at the building past 6 p.m. He also did not surface.
It was only then that Erwin and his mother, Editha, sought assistance from the police, who called up the BFP and the MMDA.
This has got serious cat in wall IASIP energy.
Huh, seems like death via sodomy has fallen out of fashion as the millennium drags on
" A 43-year-old Irish woman died of an allergic reaction after having sex with a German Shepherd. Its owner, Seán McDonnell, and the woman met in an Internet chat room for bestiality. McDonnell was prosecuted and added to a sex offender list. The dog was later destroyed."
Destroyed is such a harsh description lmfao
Right?? Victim blaming at its finest.