lol Let it be known I have nothing against Majel Barrett. I immensely appreciate the endless work she put into keeping Trek going over the years, I love that her computer voice is omnipresent, I dig her as Nurse Chapel, and I think she would’ve been great as #1 on TOS, had she continued the role.
Personally, I just think the writers pushed the earlier Lwaxana character too far into purposefully annoying territory, and without enough redeeming qualities to balance it out. She embodied some highly dislikable characteristics – a narcissistic sense of entitlement, being rudely dismissive, ignoring boundaries and being seemingly oblivious to others’ feelings – which never made sense to me, her being a telepath. Either she’s a Betazoid lacking in telepathy, or she’s well aware her impositions and advances are unwanted and make people uncomfortable, but doesn’t care and proceeds anyway. But any blame, I put solely on the writers, not Majel. And I definitely softened to her when they started giving her some character development, later in TNG and esp in DS9 with the Odo plotline. The elevator scene completely won me over.
lol Let it be known I have nothing against Majel Barrett. I immensely appreciate the endless work she put into keeping Trek going over the years, I love that her computer voice is omnipresent, I dig her as Nurse Chapel, and I think she would’ve been great as #1 on TOS, had she continued the role. Personally, I just think the writers pushed the earlier Lwaxana character too far into purposefully annoying territory, and without enough redeeming qualities to balance it out. She embodied some highly dislikable characteristics – a narcissistic sense of entitlement, being rudely dismissive, ignoring boundaries and being seemingly oblivious to others’ feelings – which never made sense to me, her being a telepath. Either she’s a Betazoid lacking in telepathy, or she’s well aware her impositions and advances are unwanted and make people uncomfortable, but doesn’t care and proceeds anyway. But any blame, I put solely on the writers, not Majel. And I definitely softened to her when they started giving her some character development, later in TNG and esp in DS9 with the Odo plotline. The elevator scene completely won me over.