I miss the time when not every cookie was a tracking cookie and they actually functioned as intended instead.
Are they called biscuits in the UK?
Yes and software “bugs” are “insects” 🐛
Cookie is type of biscuit in Australia. Milage may vary
At least they have to ask now instead of delivering them right into your rectum.
If you have Javascript turned off, Reddit still sets cookies without asking.
Just disable cookie storage
On Firefox their is a plugin called do don’t care about cookies. It stops the popups and says no automaticly.
There is also a ublock filterlist for it.
Any chance you can share the good word on the name of the list?
There are several of them and they come pre-installed with uBlock but you have to tick the checkbox next to each of them to activate them. They are located in the “Cookie notices” category.
P.S. I also suggest ticking off all the lists in the “Annoyances” category 🙂
Awesome, thanks.
Its a built in one, enable it in ublock settings.
Does it really say no automatically or just hide the banners? I thought Consent-o-Matic was the only plugin that actually clicks no
Option 1: Yes ✅
Option2: Let’s play a game!
Me: my lord, is this legal?
GDPR: Nope, illegal, kill him.
Ublock Origin, baby
It’s always been like that, they just didn’t use to have to ask.
Forcing these popups in our faces was punishment for fighting back during the battle for the internet. We lost, and the elites shoved insulting disruptive messages in our faces to remind us of our failure every time we browse. I was so disappointed.
Web developer here. Cookies were designed to get around the stateless nature of a web page, by enabling it to communicate with other pages from one visit to the next by saving things like the user’s language preference. Marketing people saw this and said hey, let’s generate a unique ID the first time a user hits our site, and store it in a cookie with information about their clicks, searches, etc. This will help us decide which ads to throw at them, and we can even sell that info to other companies so they can use it and add more info. It’s a gold mine! Germany passed a law requiring transparency and user consent, forcing sites visible in Germany (i.e. the whole Internet) to display those warnings or risk legal problems.
Perfect, thank you
Dear old Internet Explorer in windows 98 and Me asked a lot.
Really? That was when I getting into web dev and IE got dynamic HTML, but I don’t remember the cookie thing. I thought it was after German laws started requiring user approval. Long time ago. Come to think of it, Win98 was right about when the dominant influence at MS transitioned from geeks to accountants.
I hate that they’re called cookies. Cookies are supposed to be great! Cooties would be a better word. Or AIDS.
Oh, cooties is a great idea!
Is headcanon now (much better than how I always called them anyway).
As someone who used to work in the identity management/authorization field… Not all cookies are bad. But yeah, I still agree.
For those already using unblock origin that don’t know this: In the unlock settings you can enable additional filter lists. There are two for these cookie banners too. You never see these aids banners with it.
You’ve changed my life. Thank you!!
Always someone who didn’t look into the filter settings. Have fun
You want cockies??
All the cockies?Confirm here.
They act like it’s a treat they’re offering us, when it’s more like a poison pill in most cases.
I, too, only visit fucking websites featuring men wearing little or nothing.
Even though they ask I have all the tracking and blocking plugins. Ask away.
Your porn websites have cookie banners?