Corruption in plain sight is the name for this era of US governance.
As an Australian, I really don’t understand why the USA has a fucking PRISON INDUSTRY, like for profit corporations trying to get as many prisoners as possible so they can get that sweet sweet money.
Fuck me, if every single aspect of life has a corpo behind it, there’s bound to be endless lobbying to completely halt progress in everything, which makes sense for the USA’s homelessness, healthcare and education systems.
Tell me about it dude! I’m from goddamn California, the supposed “bastion” of liberal values and these fuckwits out here couldn’t even vote to abolish prison labor cus “might increase cost of (unspecified) some services”. Apparently they meant firefighting
The trash around me can eat the shit off my nastiest goddamn hemorrhoid
I voted to abolish that from our constitution, and figured it would pass with a cakewalk. It was the ONLY measure on my ballot that had no opposition. NO ONE AT ALL CAME OUT AND SAID DON’T VOTE FOR THIS. There were other measures on my ballot where the opposition was literally just some dude’s name. Like not an organization, just a single person. The fucking wardens supported the measure. How the fuck did we fuck that up‽‽‽
Sorry for the rant. I know you didn’t vote against it.
No need to apologize, this rant needs to be here, even if it’s just so I know I’m not crazy.
We know who fucked it up anyhow. It’s the same folks who vote against zoning in new residential, or for a charged express lane. They don’t even need to talk about it, they’re all on the same page. “People like me deserve a more convenient life.”
The real shame is, the population who’s most adversely affected by this crap is too tired at the end of the week to even keep an eye out for this. Let alone read up on what the right vote would even be.
America has been taken over by relentless billionaires in their endless quest for more wealth and power. What’s there to understand?
It’s not a country, it’s a business. A large conglomerate that’s slowly shrinking into whatever it is you wanna call it now.
Unfettered capitalism.
Because our constitution unfortunately EXPLICITLY allows it. The 13th amendment:
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
They didn’t even wait till Lincoln was in the ground before shitting all over his legacy.
Uh mate . . . It’s here too.
Well I guess ignorance is bliss afterall
Of course John Fetterman voted for it. Fucking clown republican claiming to be a democrat.
And both of Arizona’s senators. We just got rid of Sinema!
Now that Republicans are at the helm, she can pretend to be a progressive again.
She was progressive during dem control too. Too many corpo libs for it to matter though.
She spent the last four years defending fascist Biden policies from progressives.
fascist Biden
Yeah, the guy who committed genocide and deported a record number of people is a fascist. Wild, huh?
Irrelevant non-sequitr. Communists are more than capable of genocide.
Anyone is capable of it. The difference is that capitalism requires genocide to maintain it’s need for infinite growth.
You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about
This statement brought to you by: nothing at all.