Cheap school laptops. Google has an unbelievable edge in the K-12 space. Lower cost, built-in educational tools, cloud-first so work isn’t lost, fewer security risks, etc. All those kids really need is a web browser and some office applications.
Our corporation (170k employees) switched to google workspace and demands that everyone who can, should work with a chrome book. It’s wild. It’s still a minority, but we actually have a significant percentage working exclusively on chromebooks now (still single digit thought afaik).
Whoever uses Chrome OS willingly is taking the worst of all options.
Cheap school laptops. Google has an unbelievable edge in the K-12 space. Lower cost, built-in educational tools, cloud-first so work isn’t lost, fewer security risks, etc. All those kids really need is a web browser and some office applications.
Our corporation (170k employees) switched to google workspace and demands that everyone who can, should work with a chrome book. It’s wild. It’s still a minority, but we actually have a significant percentage working exclusively on chromebooks now (still single digit thought afaik).
Nana is feeling targeted.