“But they had their shields up!”
“I found a hole. And I extruded them through it.”
“I didn’t say I beamed them out in one piece, or all pieces at the same time. It was a small hole after all.”
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Interestingly, this is actually a thing on the show. In one TNG episode they figure out how to open a small window in their own shields to beam through. It becomes standard procedure in TNG, DS9, and VOY after that. Presumably, you can exploit an enemy ship attempting that.
“It made a really gross sucking sound and stretched them out like spaghetti”
What the hell happened to my brain that I can imagine O’brien saying this with absolute clarity?
Alien Resurrection tiny hull breach scene.
What are you gonna do? Force me to experience 20 years of imprisonment and watching my best friend die and put in so deeply in my brain that the memories can’t be erased by any known medical technology, then tell me to get back to work in my menial starfleet job with an insufferable wife and child who will probably never understand my pain and will grow increasingly distant? Haha that would be incredibly fucked up, wouldn’t it.
Next episode: completely forgets about the incredibly traumatic, horrifying incident and never mentions it again and is never plagued by even a hint of post-traumatic stress.
To be fair, he acts as if plagued by some horrifying post-traumatic stress on every episode, before or after this, so I didn’t expect a change.
It’s fine, the plot of the next (and all subsequent) episodes forgot about that for him.
Quark: “I call dibs on the abandoned ship!”
Good lord, this place has been on a roll lately. I’m so glad I subscribed.
Im not even a big fan of the property and its been amazing to look at.
This universe is the best universe
O’Brien is a master of the Transporter. Actually this could be a legit tactic in fights as soon as the shields drop just beam the bridge crew out to space.
The kasan/seska do something akin to this in voyager when they gain access to the tech for a short time.
It’s not an active battle, but it was the heads of a rival sect that would not join a warband. They were transported into space and left to die.
At the point of boarding parties (when the shields are down) you could do this.
That ending card 🤣
I had to hum the jingle that plays or else it didn’t feel right lol.
It’s the new mic drop
More Breaking Brien please.
Yeah they never really use transporters and replicators to their fullest capabilities. Knock out their shields, beam the enemy crew to the brig (if you’re good) or into space (if you’re not so good).
Why bother with torpedoes? Just teleport bombs right on the enemy target.
They had self-replicating mines on DS9, why not self-replicating computer controlled starships? Send infinite waves of automated starships at the enemy?
Have your most elite Jem Hadar squad stand on the transporter pad and beam down infinite copies of them down to the planet. They’re cloning them anyway, doesn’t seem like the Dominion would have moral qualms about this.
DS9 got so close to the horrors of a Trek tech war.
Cardassian had autonomous platforms and Federation self-replicating mines, they just need to be combined.
There was even a weapon the transported bullets at their velocity, so you could yeet massive items with high kinetic energy.
Imagine an autonomous replicating fleet that sends waves of drones at you at warp 9, the industrial replicators churn out more and more ships.
There are a lot of things that block transporters that could be deployed to reduce shenanigans, but you can still replicate/transport 1 ton tungsten rods into space above your enemies to fuck them up.
Nobody has droids so to create a stalemate you just have to create enough chaos enemy ground troops can’t advance while you block their transporters.
For a while in star gate Atlantis humans were just teleporting nukes into enemy ships until they mcguffined a solution.
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Yeah that’s trending towards the grey goo scenario, isn’t it?
But it’s also similar to how the Borg operate too. Also I think the OST had the Doomsday Machine episode that had something about a weapon killing the civilization that made it. I think there was a TNG episode like that too.
So it’s kinda covered, just not exactly the replicator scenario. But that’s fine, it’s better to have characters as a threat rather than machines. Controversial opinion, but I even found the Borg to be boring after Best of Both Worlds.
I legitimately spit coffee after reading this one. Nicely done.
this was like the don’t dead open inside, and it gave me a stroke trying to read it drinking my first coffee this morning
“Don’t dead open inside” is a thing because they split the text vertically, with each sentence going down in a straight line from the starting point. This comic shares literally nothing in common with that and is in the same format that every Western comic, and book, is in.
Drink more coffee
Huh? Top to bottom, left to right, text is over the character saying it. I think that coffee hasn’t yet taken effect.
As others appointed out, it shouldn’t be that difficult to read. But I would also like to point out that I find it kind of tasteless how often people accuse others of either giving them a stroke or having a stroke because they don’t like something online.
You read it like a comic.
Shit. What a plot hole. Ok so maybe there’s a benevolent, neutral, sentient race of beings that actually control teleportation physics in the universe and hence don’t allow these sort of shenanigans to occur.
It isnt really. Usually in a combat situation their shields are up, making transporter operation impossible (at least without fancy tricks you dont have time for in a combat situation)
maybe the klingons and starfleet worked out rules against doing that to each other.
starfleet because they don’t want an escalation and the klingons for honour reasons
Maybe, but the Romulans and Cardassians would do it in a heart beat.
not sure about the romulans
You know this isn’t canon because Sisco looks upset.
He’s upset, but he can live with it.
That’s right.