Australia Day Public Holiday.
Going to be a high temperature one.
Good morning. I’d like to present the DT with this monumental fattyfatfat of a bee
Bumblebee!!! Haven’t seen one of those in aaaages.
Life goal.
I didn’t know we had those in Australia! Have seen overseas but never here. The jumbo of the bee world.
Edit: just realised your photo may not be from here. I’m slow today.
They’re around, but not common. They’re solitary so you never see swarms of them. Tasmania has them in fair abundance.
Checking in from Hoi An 🍻
ooh you gotta get some white rose dumplings for me.
First thing I ate 😀
Ted found the stash
Those eyes… That’s a mood right there.
He looks like he’s going to do his best to chew through those bags.
can you tell he’s on a diet and not liking it?
There are stars in his eyes
The local IGA has a “wall of shame” where they have photos of thieves.
Lo and behold, there’s a picture of my neighbour lol
Fucking hell
lol the local leos back in melbs has a wall of shame too (usually about 8 piccys from cctv). Feel sorry for the staff as they’re all kids and the thieves are pretty much 30+ which would be intimidating.
Same as this IGA they’re just kids.
Time to move.
This week will give me an estimation of how long that will take.
Ultimately, if I can’t get a raise, I’m stuck here till I move house.
Is that legal?
No idea tbh.
In Victoria we have different laws for privacy with or without audio, I don’t think it’s unlawful unless the person wishes to take them for VCAT for a false accusation.
It would fall under libel, meaning that they would have unlawfully besmeared your character if they are unable to provide solid proof.
But you would have to initiate a case.
And then Old Mate IGA rocks up with footage of them stealing to the hearing.
That’s a mood
My local KFL does and one of my local bottle shops too.
Thank you for thread @briongloid!
Doesn’t seem like it’s going to be that hot today.
Woke up to junkies screaming about someone stealing a cigarette.
Soon. So fucking soon.
Doesn’t seem like it’s going to be that hot today.
Can I quote you on this later?
It went up six degrees since I posted that lol
Doesn’t seem like it’s going to be that hot today.
Now 37 deg outside and the north wind is howling. Another 4-5 hours to go before the cool change.
I will admit responsibility for the thunder & rain earlier - doing a load of washing AND watering all the plants probably triggered that.
You know what, you’re right. I’ll own this one. I went out to get a decaf and I regretted my statement immediately.
I watered too, then got frightened by a giant clap of thunder!
96 tram
lol 86 is up there too!
96 tram stop, bogan woman called me a mong for feeling a little intimidated by her poorly trained pitbull . I did a double take, like, do people still say that?
96 tram, junkie partakes on the actual tram
I had the opposite once on the 109 on Vic. street. Big junky with a huge pitty got on and sat down in front of me. Driver yelled out he wasn’t going anywhere if they didn’t get off. Whole time doggo was just licking my hand getting pats. Obviously if it changed its mind things wouldn’t have turned out well but it was very well behaved.
Fuckin aye man.
Big thunder and big rains.
Just had a look on radar - whoowheee!
Hot today. It would be great if you could all refrain from burning things, crashing cars, locking kids/pets inside cars, or doing anything else that forms a risk to life or property.
Brain freezes from excessive icecream?
Better to avoid if possible. The brain freeze, not the excessive icecream. I recommend eating slowly over a longer period.
So I should stay on the couch all day? Noted
Perfect, plans approved.
Supplies: Obtained Apartment: sealed Air con: on Couch: comfy Iced G-string and bra combo: refreshing
You need 2 sets - one to wear while the other’s in the freezer
Smart. I’ll package them in twos for this reason. Double the profit too 💰💰💰
Do they come in boyleg cos I wouldn’t be comfortable with something up my clacker?
No. You will appreciate the design once you try them
I’ll have to pass then but you enjoy 🙂
I googled it because I have no idea what you’re talking about, and ended up with a face full of this.
NSFW: I don't know what I expected
Is that legal?
That looks like a willy warmer, not a willy chiller.
Looks like the boys can freely dangle, I guess it relies more on natural convection than cooling.
Suggestion: ditch the bra. Significantly more comfortable. I did a whole day’s fieldwork without one on under a work shirt, and it was glorious not having a sweaty garment tightly pasted to my chest area. Reduced underboob sweat is worth everything.
Doing the Jurassic World exhibition today. I bought tickets before I checked the temperature so we’re doing that first thing and then I think we’ll go straight home
RIP to the poor guy in the velociraptor suit.
Me withdrawing from the ATM…
Finish the withdrawal, find 4 people lining up behind me to use said ATM.
There are 2 more vacant and functional ATMs next to me.
I’ve noticed this at the checkout.
Coooooool chaaaaaaange.
Grateful for a short week
Wrote a new song with words as well
Forcing the hand of my employer tomorrow (and having interviews lined up for next week)
Mini callipos
Bickfords Blood orange sherbet cordial
Just generally in a good mood!
happy dance 🌞
Blood orange sherbet cordial sounds wonderful
It is amazing!
Only sold at woolies.
I may have to try this one
Happy International Chocolate Cake Day 🎉
Sadly I was ignorant of this, and have not made any preparations. Too hot to cook. I shall have to celebrate on another day!
Next hot day you can have cream and choc ripples ready for a no cook choc ripple cake
I made chocolate mousse in preparation for this afternoon. Does that count?
I don’t make the rules but I say yes.
I have stolen this idea, and frozen it
I don’t get why postgraduate students aren’t eligible for Myki concession fares. It would make sense if people were not underemployed after finishing their undergrad, and studying a postgrad part-time.
But many of us are doing postgrad qualifications because the undergrad was kinda useless.
Had a great improvised jam before. Managed to get most of a song out of me which is really nice.
Goodnight all, from human and fluffball ❤️