• LePoisson@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Admittedly not having read the article but I think the idea for the AI is not really to stop or alert anyone to an active school shooting. Maybe it could give a little heads up depending on how the shooter starts.

    I think the bigger idea is for it to pick up firearms a kid might flash or have brought in to show off or otherwise brandish but not use at the time. That way you can intervene before a gun gets used but that’s just my theory.

    Agree on society though, it’s very obvious the proliferation of firearms and ease of procuring one is a huge contributor to school shootings and gun violence in general. God forbid we try to rein that in. Let’s just treat guns like cars. I have to get a license to drive a car because of how easy it is to kill myself or others with an automobile. When I turn 18 I can go buy an AR-15 with a simple run through a fed background check - maybe not even that, depending on the state and where you buy it - and waltz out the same day with a tool specifically made to kill people. No training, no oversight, no lessons just here’s a tool to kill other humans and have fun!

    How does that make any sense?