Right; before wings became a thing unto themselves, they were stuck in soup because they add a lot of flavor. A combination of dark meat and bones is why, plus the fact that they were cheap because nobody had a better idea for using them at the time.
Chicken breast is like an empty canvas. They’re a chunk of protein that you add your own flavors into. I find that appealing from a cooking point of view, but yeah, it comes out bland most of the time for a reason.
I’d guess that you have only ever had absolutely sub par wings. A lot of places will serve wings at the culinary level of Hooters - soggy, over cooked slop.
Maybe? But at some point I think it’s more how everyone around me does it. From local to chain to people I’ve had cook while I was a guest, I’ve never had good bone-in wings. I’ve had good ribs and bad ribs, I’ve had good chicken thighs and bad chicken thighs.
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Right; before wings became a thing unto themselves, they were stuck in soup because they add a lot of flavor. A combination of dark meat and bones is why, plus the fact that they were cheap because nobody had a better idea for using them at the time.
Chicken breast is like an empty canvas. They’re a chunk of protein that you add your own flavors into. I find that appealing from a cooking point of view, but yeah, it comes out bland most of the time for a reason.
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Maybe? But at some point I think it’s more how everyone around me does it. From local to chain to people I’ve had cook while I was a guest, I’ve never had good bone-in wings. I’ve had good ribs and bad ribs, I’ve had good chicken thighs and bad chicken thighs.