Funner follow-up: this definition is correct and true to the original usage of “factoid”, however, the alternative definition meaning “a small or minor fact” has been used often enough that it’s generally accepted, and appears in several dictionaries. Ain’t English grand!?
fun followup of the day: a “factoid” is something that isn’t true, but is presented as being true. go ahead, look it up!
Interesting. I might research that on the toilet tonight, or just drop the word factoid from my vocabulary.
Regardless, clowns still have to go to college, while politicians do not. Fun fact of the day!
i wrote it on the toilet before bed, so that seems apt.
Funner follow-up: this definition is correct and true to the original usage of “factoid”, however, the alternative definition meaning “a small or minor fact” has been used often enough that it’s generally accepted, and appears in several dictionaries. Ain’t English grand!?
inflammable means flammable?! what a country…
My favorite is irregardless, having an identical meaning to “regardless”, just because linguistics nerds get so tilted by it.