We realize that most Americans didn’t vote for Trump (only 49.8%) and that most of those who did probably didn’t understand what tariffs are and how they work and we realize that Trump’s action and our response are going to hurt poor Americans, and poor Americans in red states more than others, but we’re not going to take illegal tariffs sitting down.

Just a reminder who Trump is pissing off.



  • danc4498@lemmy.world
    22 hours ago

    While I’m sure this is true for many, where I live early voting is super easy and convenient. I’m willing to bet the vast majority of people that did not vote could very easily have done so, they just didn’t for non logistical reasons.

    • Mellibird@lemm.ee
      9 hours ago

      I would have early voted if I knew I could. I legitimately didn’t know that was an option for myself until if was over. I thankfully was able to go on voting day, so it’s ok. But for the first time in my voting life, I never received my voting pamphlet with all the usual info as well as my voting location. I had to look everything up and that really made me mad. So I could easily understand some people legitimately missing their opportunity to vote because they weren’t provided the information to be able to get out there and do it.

    • braxy29@lemmy.world
      12 hours ago

      where i live, voting is not necessarily easy or convenient for folks relying on public transport. that much harder if they are, say, a working single parent living below the poverty level. and my work involves talking to people like this every day - there are millions like them.

      • danc4498@lemmy.world
        11 hours ago

        Do you think they would have voted if somebody drove them from their house to the polling place and back home? What would they need in order to convince them to vote? Mail in ballots? Polling places within X distance of their house? Anything else?

        I’m sure it’s the cynic in me, but I just think that the people staying home just don’t care enough to actually vote. If they did, they would figure out a way to do so.

        For instance, a working single parent below the poverty level probably knows that voting for the millionaire over the billionaire is not going to impact their life, so why bother wasting time voting?

    • dvlsg@lemmy.world
      20 hours ago

      I wouldn’t be so sure. It’s a time honored tradition for red states to make it significantly more difficult to vote. Shutting down voting locations in busy (so blue) areas, not accepting mail in votes, etc.

        • _cryptagion@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          14 hours ago

          You don’t think there’s any problem with using only your viewpoint and experience as a guide for judging the entire nation?

          • danc4498@lemmy.world
            13 hours ago

            Yep, which is why I pointed out that it’s anecdotal. But I’m also seeing a bunch of comments that are just generalizations with no actual sources. So my anecdote has some value at least.

              • danc4498@lemmy.world
                11 hours ago

                To offer an alternative viewpoint to the other SOURCELESS comments. You want to provide sources that back up the comments, that’s fine. Otherwise my anecdotal perspective is equally valuable.

    • Melody Fwygon@lemmy.one
      17 hours ago

      Regardless of that; another shenanigan exists for those who did make it to the polls; Gerrymandering.

      Yes; it’s horrid as it sounds and it limits the voting power of lower class people, as well as the power of people who are considered to be “ethnic minorities” by the party in power. If there’s a neighborhood of blacks next to a poor neighborhood; well both find themselves districted together and their cumulative votes are diminished by how the votes are counted by district such that a 2-3 victory for Democrats; is actually counted as a 2-3 victory for the Republicans…all because the Republicans were already in power somehow and managed to re-district the place so that the vote result never changes anything…unless the unlikely event that all three neighborhoods choose to vote the same way occurs.

      Yet another shenanigan exists where voting rolls are frequently “purged” due to false assertions of fraud and onerous and routine registration becomes necessary, which isn’t a problem if you don’t work full-time in the USA; but good luck getting a day off work if you do work full-time and need to vote. (Hint: YOU DON’T; OR ELSE YOU GET FIRED WITH NO RECOURSE!)

      Even if that wasn’t enough already; many times the voting times, locations, dates and even rules change from year-to-year, and sometimes even month-to-month.

      What worked this time might not work next time. From ID requirements to ballot order manipulation or even other flat out shady practices like misleading or leading poll questions on the ballot are all employed.

      The media is even worse; and frequently spouts simple and blatant lies. they could literally be absolutely passionate about their issue in particular and still end up being misled or lied to; as there’s no accountability for this. This would result in mistakenly casting a vote for the wrong candidate who would then go on to not represent the will or needs of the citizens voting for them once they’re in power.

      The average American, just simply can’t always be on top of every one of these things 24/7. It’s easy to get taken by any one of them by surprise.