The unpatched Shrine of Amana. Resorted to poison arrows.
Undisputed worst area in souls games, mandatory sniping to complete the level. You have to.
This was my answer too, except my solution was just running at the problem head first over and over until stuff despawned. I would not recommend my strategy.
Blighttown. Master key skip
I’m seeing many people not disliking Blighttown as much as the average guy. Is it the difficulty or is it just because you don’t like the area and playing through it?
I’m like soft-locked there, sorta, in that I’ve been cursed while on my way there. I tried brute forcing Quelaag, and I think I would beat her given a couple more tries, but didn’t feel like slugging my through to her every single time with half hp, so I decided to go back to the bell and get cured. However, I can’t seem to find my way back to the surface. I didn’t want to look up where to go, so I’ve just been stuck there (the bonfire that’s under the large bridge). I feel like the area isn’t as difficult as people make it out to be, but it’s just annoying.
What’s your case look like?
I can definitely relate to the softlocked feel. Mostly due to the fact the area is mandatory and you don’t get fast travel until way after it. Plus, navigation is, as you said, very difficult, and even after you get through the ladders and platforms, there’s the poison swamp at the bottom. And after Quelaag you still have to climb back up.
So yeah, the difficulty is more artificial, compounded by several different factors.
The biggest problem with blighttown, in my opinion, is that too much of it looks the same. The layout is pretty easy to just run through if you already know where you’re going, but it’s so easy to get turned around or confused because of the lack of unique landmarks that it makes for a frustrating experience. I’ve played through the game more times than I can count so I have the route essentially memorized, but it was definitely a pain for the first… many attempts. I had the same complaint with a lot of Bloodborne where you go from one street of Victorian houses to the next street of Victorian houses. I think they cleaned up that particular problem with their game design by DS2, thankfully.
I went into Ds1 expecting BlightTown to be tough and Sens Fortress to be the end of my playthrough. Neither were actually very bad. I feel like the difficulty of these areas has been memed up a bit.
I’m currently stuck on Nito. That area feels harder imo.
Yea, Blighttown’s manageable if you’re somewhat competent in the game. I feel like much of the difficulty primarily stems from the frustration the area’s design itself brings: the darkness, enemy placement, poison, weird geometry. Objectively speaking, there are worse areas in these games.
Can’t comment on Sen’s fortress because I haven’t gotten that far yet lol
Anything in bloodborne with the frenzy demons. Having to time the parry or get stress killed always stressed me out and I’d botch the timing. (No pun intended)
Could always brute force the plague areas. Will second Amana as being hardest total area. Due to not being able to just run though