Obviously reporting transphobic comments to a transphobic mod isn’t going to result in any action, so I’m wondering if the admins are going to do anything about it?
(if someone needs an image description, please ask)
Obviously reporting transphobic comments to a transphobic mod isn’t going to result in any action, so I’m wondering if the admins are going to do anything about it?
(if someone needs an image description, please ask)
OK let’s replace trans with another group let’s use men as an example. “We can’t have men compete with women because of the clear advantage in physicality” is this sentence fine?
What clear advantage? Men and women on average have different body structures, yes. That might favour one in one sport and one in another. The blanket statement “men have a clear advantage in every sport over women” is BS.
No. Look into the history of the first woman to run the Boston Marathon and how people believed that the jostling of the running would kill a woman. That is the world that allowed women’s sports only as it’s own category. Some sports like tennis it might make sense on a competitive compromise. But to apply that thinking to high-school sport, which is more about community than competition, it is just clear exclusion.
But also, how gross to round about just say that trans women are men… ಠ_ಠ