My son is starting to get into Warhammer and so far he’s learned the mechanics of Age of Sigmar, but he still isn’t sure what road to go down. Normally he’d go for whatever my brother in law is into (he introduced him to MTG, obviously the gateway drug) but he’s not deep into Warhammer yet (BiL was gifted a Necromunda squad) so my son will have to figure it out for himself.

Assuming most people here picked 40k over Age of Sigmar, I’m curious to know what motivated your choice? He’s painted a few random figurines he was gifted, but is now giving serious thought into going further. We’d welcome any tips on where to start!

  • Foreigner@lemmy.worldOP
    29 days ago

    Are you possibly me from the future? I filled him in on the tips everyone shared her but he’s ultimately decided on AoS, and Skaven seem to be the set he’s most interested in! He’s definitely more of a fan of fantasy than Sci-Fi so I shouldn’t be surprised. I doubt I’ll be able to help much with painting though, hands are way too shaky :/

    • Tenebris
      29 days ago

      I wonder if Fantasy/SF/Horror have a cyclical rotation and that kids are just into Fantasy at the moment? Of all the AoS armies, Skaven are the best and there are some crazy miniatures. I was TERRIBLE beyond belief when I started painting but I found that if I took things slowly and watched some tutorials my skills really did improve. (Another thing to watch out for is Yugioh! - my son is OBSESSED with the card game and it’s bankrupting us!!! 😆 )

      • Foreigner@lemmy.worldOP
        29 days ago

        (Another thing to watch out for is Yugioh! - my son is OBSESSED with the card game and it’s bankrupting us!!! 😆 )

        Ha, we have the same issue but with Magic the Gathering. You’ll definitely want to keep your son away from MtG if you want to avoid bankruptcy 😭