Wow, did not expect that mid-campaign. He obviously isn’t the problem imo

    27 days ago

    That’s entirely on the WRU, if they’d paid any attention at all to Southern Hemisphere rugby they’d have seen what a disaster he was with the Chiefs in Super Rugby where in effect he had to be promoted out of the coaching role because the losses were so continual. And then Clayton MacMillan pretty much turned the whole thing around with basically the same squad.

    They addressed the wrong problem when they ditched Pivac, and since then the top team performance has gotten worse while the underlying issues haven’t been addressed at all.

    And given Gatland didn’t resign at the end of last season, and this has been termed a mutual one I imagine there’ll be a lot of scuttlebutt about whether he just held out for a payout or not, which is money WRU can ill afford given the problems still there!