the hypersuck isn’t allowed on the road in normal countries. just because fascistan allows it doesn’t mean people should tolerate this death machine on the road. I hope it totals, so maybe it should drive over some puddle or whatever stupid thing makes these explode.
At the bottom of the article, the swasticar owner makes a similar “people who disagree” argument. This is fascism we’re talking about, not pizza toppings. Idiot.
“Violence is only bad when it’s against people I like.”
Paradox of tolerance
“Wahhh wahh”
the hypersuck isn’t allowed on the road in normal countries. just because fascistan allows it doesn’t mean people should tolerate this death machine on the road. I hope it totals, so maybe it should drive over some puddle or whatever stupid thing makes these explode.
Harassment and threats are not violence. If I were to punch a trumper, that would be violence.
Based. Sometimes this space annoys the fuck outta me
Oh no! Are you being held here against your will!? Blink S.O.S.!
OR don’t let the door hit you where the good Lord split ya on the way out.
Cringe reply
Nice punctuation, Grammar Police.
At the bottom of the article, the swasticar owner makes a similar “people who disagree” argument. This is fascism we’re talking about, not pizza toppings. Idiot.
The obvious thought.