• joneskind@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    I read somewhere that she grew up in a conservative family, from a conservative state, and voted Rep at both Obama elections, but was deeply regretful of that.

    People who endure this kind of brutal twist of values tend to be far more intolerant towards their former beliefs, and I really like the motivation and heart she puts on being a better version of herself.

    Anyway, nice

    • PriorityMotif@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      In many red states you have to declare a party when you register to vote. This makes people think that they have to vote their party in the general election. People also don’t know that you can abstain from voting for an unopposed candidate.

    • tacosplease@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      As someone else who grew up in that world, it’s because we know there is no logic or reason behind conservative politics. They deserve no grace; no benefit of the doubt.

      Conservative politics is lazy and selfish. They don’t want to learn about anyone else’s experience. They don’t want to understand science. They like the hateful and “ignorant” (the leaders know better) things their politicians say, so they don’t bother to ask if the statements are true just as long as the statements are convenient.

      Had I not lived it for ~20 years, I never would have realized how little justification conservatives have for their beliefs. The rest of us aren’t missing something. They really are that smug and selfish. It’s blatant, willful ignorance.