Went into Preston today and the options were pretty poor and limited. My go to is pretty much Next, M&S and H&M but the range of anything decent was lacking.

I know there’s online options but it’s nice to physically try the clothes on before buying.

  • thisismyname@lemm.ee
    23 days ago

    Charity shops. Fuck feeding fast fashion, poverty wages, and low quality materials for profit.

    If the clothes have survived someone else’s use and are still in good enough state that a) they were donated instead of binned and b) they were put out for sale instead of binned, then that implies the quality is good enough to last me a couple years as well.

    I know my money is going to charity instead of some fashion CEO who will use it to exploit people as much as possible.

    And, I’m reusing or recycling clothes instead of them having to be manufactured from new, thus reducing my carbon footprint.

    Apart from no guarantee of what you’ll be able to find, so finding something specific can be difficult, there’s really no downsides. Although depending on your perspective this can also be an upside as it makes shopping less predictable, more spontaneous and thus more fun.

    There’s hundreds of charity shops to choose from as well, all with varying causes, layouts, quality, products, etc. Give it a go, make shopping fun again!